3 lost animations

Feb 20, 2009 14:29

LOST ANIMATIONS 5x04-5x05-5x06

LOST 5x04: The Little Prince
This episode was totally amazing! Probably one of the best. The 5x03 was great but not like the others! That's why I didn't make special post with animations. (I made just one animation that I will post later i guess) Well, can't wait the next episode :P

5 moments :


(James... go away)


(So I'm gonna turn to you first. Are you with me? -  I have
always been with you.)


(push, push, push, push, push!)


(You shaved your beard. - Yeah. Just needed a change)


(Where you were about to tell me how it felt to see kate again. - 
- I wasn't about to tell you anything. - Why don't you tell me now?)

Other quote:

Sawyer : "She's asking if you know why your girlfriend had a seizure"

Locke : "Don't you want her to come back?"
Sawyer : "It doesn't matter what i want"

Kate : "Can you just go?"
Jack : "Why don't you just tell me?"
Kate : " Jack, please, just go" 
Jack : " Kate please tell me"
Kate : " Somebody wants aaron"

Sawyer : " So why'd you turn us around then? - Don't you wanna go back there?"
Locke : "Why would I wanna do that?"
Sawyer : " So you could tell yourself to do things different, save yourself a world of pain"
Locke : "No I needed that pain to get to where i am now"

Sawyer : "Who came in these? other, other?
Juliet : "Don't look at me"

Juliet : " You all right?"
Sawyer : " I saw kate"
Juliet : " What?"
Sawyer : "Last night, in the jungle. Before the last flash. She was delivering claire's baby"
Juliet : " But that was 2 months ago"
Sawyer : "Time travel's a bitch"

Miles : "These your people ?!"
Juliet : "No! are they yours ?!"

Sawyer : " little help! little help !"
              " Paddle harder! They're getting closer !"
              " Thank you lord!"

Jack : "I can fix this Kate, I can fix this. Aaron is my family too"

Kate : "Jack, Why did you call me today?"
Jack : " I told you I was... I was worried"


LOST 5x05: This place is dead

Well, like every episode, this was awesome/amazing and so much better! I'm sad that Charlotte died b'cause I really like her (and her relashion ship to Dan). At the begining I didn't believe in her death but there was this song... and after I saw an interview when she tell her death. Well one more. And the "French" characters was awesome :D (Yes i'm French so I was happy to heard) At least I would like to tell that Juliet and Sawyer are again and again georgeous =)


( Hello Heloïse - Hello Benjamin )


(Daniel just go!... Hmmm turn it up, I love Geronimo Jackson!)


(Thanks god! What are the odds that we would end up at the same
time as this thing?! *flash*  - You just had to say something? )


(Turn around slowly - Jin ? - Sawyer ? )


( James stop - no no no no no - James stop - Come on and help me ! - James... We can't help him )

Other quotes:

Ben: I didn't kill your husband.
Sun: Yes you did
Ben: No I didn't. Neither did anyone else, because he's not dead.
Sun: You lie.
Ben: No sun. Jin is alive and I can prouve it.

Robert: Danielle What's wrong ?
Danielle: It's... It's nothing.
Robert: I knew this was a mistake. You're seven months pregnant.
Danielle: Robert It's fine. SHe just gave me a little Kick.
Robert: She ?
Danielle: She.
Robert: How many time do we have to do this? Alexander is a boy.
Danielle: Alexandra, it's going to be a girl.

Danielle: Move and I kill you. I swear! - You're sick.
Robert: Stop to tell this!
Danielle: Stay here! put it down! Put the gun down!
Robert: Danielle don't do this it's me!
Danielle: You're not Robert! You're someone else! That thing changed you!
Robert: Please Danielle... Put down the weapon. I love you, why are you acting this way.
Danielle: because you're not Robert, you're sick. That monster made you sick!
Robert: It's not a monster. It's a security system guarding that temple.

Jin: Translate!
Sawyer: You heard the man? Translate!
Miles: He's korean. I'm from encino.

Dan: You're okay?
Charlotte: Oh no!
Sawyer: Come on!

Sawyer: Juliet? You have a little...
Juliet: You too

Sawyer: What she say?
Charlotte: Don't let them bring her back! No matter what. Don't let them bring her back! 
                  This place is death!

Sun: Are you going to ask me not to kill ben if he's lying about my husband?
Jack: After what he just did to Kate. If you don't do ii Sun, I will.

Charlotte: Why can't daddy come with us?
Dan: Charlotte, can you hear me?
Charlotte: You know what my mum would say about me marrying an american? 
                   Yeah I know more about ancient Carthage than Hannibal himself.
Sawyer: What the hell is she talking about?
Dan: I have no idea.

Charlotte: When I was little, living here, there was this man... A crazy man, he really scared me.
                    And he told me that I had to leave this island and never ever come back. He told me, 
                    that if i came back, I would die.
Dan: Charlotte, I don't understand.
Charlotte: Daniel... I think that man was you!

John: I won't go to sun, jin, but she might find me. If she does, what do I tell her?
Jin: You tell her... I'm dead. You say I wash up. You burried me. Proof.

Desmond: What are you doing here?
Ben: I assume the same thing you are.
Desmond: You're looking for Faraday's mother too?


LOST 5x06: 316

Well always and forever awesome but you already know that :p The others survivants (Juliet, Sawyer, dan etc...) missed me a little bit but it's not a big thing. Jate's moment was totally amazing ♥ ♥ ♥ specially in the room. Their relashion ship since the 4x10 missed me too. Beside Ben'head in the plane was such pervy xD

5 moments


"Did you know about this place? - No. No I didn't - Is he telling
the truth? - Probably not."


("And what is gonna happen? - You tell me Jack, you're the one that
got to stay after school with Ms. Hawking.")

("Morning - Morning, Uh I made some coffee and there's orange juice.")


("Kate... Kate!")


("Do you understand Jack?  - Yes - Thank you ")

Other quotes:

Jack: What is this place?
Ms Hawking: The dharma initiative called it "the lamp post" This is how they find the island.

Ms Hawking: Then a very clever fellow built this pendulum on the theoretical notion
                         that they should stop looking for where the island was supposed to 
                         be and start looking for where it was going to be.

Ms Hawking: I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Desmond but this island isn't done with you yet.
Desmond: You say the island's not done with me? Well I'm done with the island.

Ray: Well look at the bright side. More time to come visit me.
Jack: I'd loved to, granddad. I really would but... I think I might be... might be going away for a while. 
Ray:  Where's "away" exactly?
Jack: Somewhere better than here.
Ray: Touché.

Kate: Those don't make much sense for the island. You might want consider hiking boots.

Jack: Wherever you are John. You must be laughing your ass off that I'm actually doing this.

Ajira: This is preliminary boarding announcement for ajira airways flight 3-1-6 with service
          to Honolulu and Guam departing from gate 15. For those of you on the standby list.
          We'll have plenty of seats available. We would like to invite our pre-board, first class
          and sky club passengers to board the aircraft at this time.
Hurley: What do you mean standby? There's no standbys
Airways: Oh no sire. You don't need to worry. There are... 78 seats open.
Hurley: No! I bought those seat, all 78 of them.

Jack: You made it.
Kate: Yeah I made it.

Franck: Is... that Sayid? and hurley? ... Wait a second.... We're not going to Guam, are we?

Jack: How can you read?
Ben: My mother taught me. (Well his mother was supposed to be dead)

Hurley: Jin?!

[ship] kate & sawyer, [lost], [lost] evangeline lilly, [art] animations, [lost] animations, [lost] matthew fox, [lost] josh holloway, [ship] james & juliet, [lost] elizabeth mitchell, [ship] jack & kate, [lost] season 5

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