♫ It's 11:34, I'm on a roll | It's almost noon and
I ain't got nowhere to go ♫
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♫ And this is the road of my life so I'mma have a little fun
ride till I see the sun ♫
New post, New header, New tutorial, New pics, no talk...
[ TUTORIAL ] How to make animations ?
Programs used:
* Vlc media player
* Adobe Photoshop Cs2
* Adobe Image Ready Cs2
* Unfreez
For this tutorial we'll used mainly The X files season 7 Episode 4. (Click on the pics for a bigger version)
1 - Play the vid en VLC - Choose the moment that you want (I'm not going over 10 seconds 'cause I'm trying to have no more than 110 screen captures).
Why ? Because after, the animations are bigger for some >5 mo and I think it's too much for an animation.
There is the time of our moment 41:31 =>41:41
2 - The screencaps : Put you on 41:31, slow down the moment (#1) and play it without forget to make screencaps till you reach the end 41:41.
3 - Put every screencaps in a files.
4 - Open Photoshop and make slide the screencaps 'cause you'll have to use them as layers.
5 - Open a new clean layer and put all the screencaps together in the order (of course xD). It has to appear like #2. Then resize everything with the size that you want. #3
6 - Then we're gonna use
THIS texture to make the board.
7 - No its time to play with the ajustement layers. There is the caps of every adjustement I'm making so... let's go :)
1* COLOR FILL ( Layer => New fill layer => Solid color => Ok & think about put it in "Softlight" instead
of "normal")
PICS #01 2* CURVES (Layer => New adjustement layer => Curves)
PICS #02 3* SELECTIVE COLOR (Layer => New adjustement layer => Selective color)
PICS #03 4* COLOR BALANCE (Layer => New adjustement layer => Color balance)
PICS #04 5* LEVELS (Layer => New adjustement layer => Levels)
PICS #05 8 - To finalize, the signature.
9 - Transfer in Imageready by cliking here
10 - Now you have to put all the layers on the animation table. Click on duplicate layer (it will duplicate the first one) and click on the eye to take it off and it will show you the second one. Do this till the last layer.
11 - You have to save each one of your gif layers. Files => Export => Animations frames as files => OK (but be careful about the options)
12 - Now you put all your gif layers on a files as at the beginning.
13 - Open UNFREEZ - Slide the layers in the order and choose the time between each frame.
14 - Save your animation and there it is =)