Nov 21, 2009 14:17

My friend is sick so I don't go to see 2012 tonight... maybe next week =)

Look what's on TV tonight :p... Yeah but I don't have that channel... :(

So I'll just think about it (even if I have the DVD xD)

And I just saw a detail: On the DVD it's wrote "tout public" which means no rating / everyone can see it BUT I've always found it weird because of some scene and have never agree with that "no rating" (I'm a sensitive girl xD) and on the description (pics under) they wrote: Rating -12...

DVD says "no rating" and TV says "-12"... -_-'

Ps: Some fans hate the movie but personally I find it good not better than Fight the future for sure but good as well =) No need to say it was a real "shit" -_-...

[real life], [the x files], [the x files] david duchovny, [the x files] gillian anderson, [the x files] movie: i want to believe

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