Oct 11, 2009 17:27

Before posting the banners that I used to made the header of my new community, I just want to say that I almost finish my picspam "behind the faces" season 2 :P I have more pics and category than season 1 xD.

By the way, is that me or lj doesn't notify  by email anymore?

[03] Banners X files M&S: FTF & IWTB
[02] Wallpapers X files M&S: FTF & IWTB


756 X 425

756 X 425

756 X 425


768 X 1024

768 X 1024

[the x files] movie: fight the future, [the x files] gillian anderson, [art] banners, [ship] mulder & scully, [the x files], [art] wallpaper, [the x files] david duchovny, [art] header, [the x files] movie: i want to believe

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