lost 5x15 animations

May 10, 2009 12:31

OH MY GOD! Have I really seen this? I haven't feel like this since the 5x08 xD So much amazing / cute/ gorgeous/ beautiful moments! I could say more and more... And James & Juliet <3<3<3 I want a KIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSS :P (by the way I definitly can't stand phil -_-). I love their head when they see Kate xD Like "what the hell is she still doing here?!" -_-

Animations are finally here :D Can't stop myself to look at this moments again & again *_* I'll made some animated icons later =)

" I'm getting answers, where is she?! "

" You're ready to talk now? - Nope "

" You know where they are? - Stop! Stop, please! "

" We are not bad people! We are not here to hurt you! - Juliet... Don't "

" I can make him talk - Son of bitch! - Easy, easy! - You're a dead man, phil!
I'm gonna kill you! "

" You're okay with that, sweetheart? - Absolutely "

" Then we'll bet the cowboys in the '78 Super Bowl'. We're gonna be rich "

" Look I'm sorry. I should've listened to you and get on this sub
3 years ago. - I'm glad you talked to me out of it "

" Hey, come here... Whatever happens, I got your back, remember? "

" I love you - I love you back "

[lost], [art] animations, [lost] animations, [lost] josh holloway, [lost] dharma, [ship] james & juliet, [lost] elizabeth mitchell, [lost] season 5

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