Nov 19, 2008 00:07
i need a hobby. i need a time commitment when i'm at school. i GUESS i could rock climb but that is more self-defeating than it is not. i would have to spend countless hours each week just transporting myself to and from the climbing gym. considering the shadiness of our transportation system at night.. this is probably not wise unless i have a steady (hopefully boy/manly-enough-to-scare-off-strangers?) climbing partner but climbing isn't big around here and that is really sad.
i guess i could spend all my time making my body in the best rock climbing shape it could be - low body fat mass = less mass to carry up higher in altitude, and greater strength-to-muscle-mass ratio. but obviously i am lazy and obviously i have no incentive to do that shit on a regular basis.
i think the easiest thing would be for me to get a job, to save up money for the coming months and to substantiate my new so called smoking habit. lifestyle dependency. etc.
i think i'm going to take the job at hollister. not because i WANT to work at hollister or because i even need to the discount to get clothes, but because it's an offer and it's not too much of an inconvenience to become routine. i guess it could be an occasional weekend thing bah.
and maybe saferide. at the same time. i should actually just get around to ACTUALLY applying so i can put myself out of my misery in the glorious fact that my driving record sucks despite all the skill i like to believe i have. meh.
alternatively, i watch my regular tv shows but i need more to fill up my time.
or movies. but i run out of interest fast.
or i need my boy.
who has been more or less way more absent in the past few days, not to mention the past few weeks compared to before. i think we're finally falling into our routine of long distance. call each other occasionally, but spend most of our time out of contact because "other things" are being done. i guess that's okey.
jeeae: i think i'm getting his swallow over winter break.
i told austin and he hesitated in telling me not to do it. but i don't know, i'd like to say i'm not stupid, but maybe i am. he's going out again tonight, which is cool. i have the room to myself tonight. i am probably going to try and sleep early and fail miserably while mulling around in bed waiting for joseph to call. he's probably going to get drunk, go home and pass out and not call me until after he goes to work. on the bright side, i'm seeing him in about a week. i guess my plane would've just landed, but i could still hope.
i should read and stuff but i think i'm just going to watch heroes and be emo in bed. wahhh.