Dec 19, 2006 21:14

Wow, this year went by suprizingly fast. To think that it was pretty much a year ago when me and lex and courtney were counting down with there drunk parents and Chris. and me and lex knew that it was going to be a goood year.. and yet we knew taht there was going to be somthing bad happening in our lifes too. 
And yes there were some bad things.. and i told people that i was over them. But am i relly over them? i mean yes they were a while ago but, am i over a bad break up? a death of my grand dad? Not so good Greads? Temtation? Self doubet? i try to think i am.. but now that i relly look into myself there are some feelings that are still in me. Like why did i give into temtation when i promised myself that i wouldnt? And why didnt i just lissten to the voice(and the amazing frineds) that told me not to date someone as old as him, all he would be was trouble? And Why do people look down on me like im nothing, and just stomp all over me? Why cant i get over these things?

Maybe 2007 will be a good learning year.
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