
Nov 01, 2007 03:39

"talk, talking,but it's still talk. Say whatever you want cause I can laugh it off."

I have a midterm, & critique due tomorrow, but I'm sitting here writing. I have major writers block these days.

I have to write a critique about a play, The God Committee, but I didn't see it because it was sold out. Now, I have to improvise & it's horrible since I don't know the ending to the play. Bull shitting essays used to be so easy, but now it seems so hard because of the content. I could care less about the topic. I really don't think anyone will be interested in what I have to say about films, plays. haha, it'd be nice if there were a class critiqing about food.

"I get over things so easily."

yeah. right.

For some reason I keep thinking about the past, and what happened before. It's not just about past relationships, it's about past everything. The acitivities I used to like, the person I used to be. I don't understand why I'm still struggling with getting over situations or getting over who I am. I know that who I am now is what counts, but what about who I was before?

Lately, I haven't had time to just sit & think anymore. I'm busy a lot or there's always someone next to me (Jake). I don't have the time to just sit and look out my window while the sunlight pours in the kitchen window.

Life hasn't gotten easier. 
it realy hasn't. Even though they say all you need is love, it's not true. Love is nice, and it's a beautiful word, but it doesn't bring stability& it doesn't bring security. It has nothing to do with who Jake can be, he's perfect.

Our situation just isn't. 
Hope it gets better soon. :)
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