Jan 20, 2005 11:26
My birthdays on the 25.. i am really looking foward to taking a math midterm on my birthday.
(not cool)
Ginabinaa09: i hate guys that are girls
Ginabinaa09: it bothers me very much
niR: why do you hate me
Ginabinaa09: no ur not a girl
niR: oh ok good
Ginabinaa09: u dont cry about everything u laugh at everything
Ginabinaa09: now thats a real man ;-)
niR: ROFL im like the opposite of real man :X
Ginabinaa09: what is a real man anyways
Ginabinaa09: a guy that plays many many sports and fucks alot of girls making them feel like shitt?
niR: beer drinking, hunting, hick ass, manwhore football player
Ginabinaa09: yea. exctaly
niR: hahaha
Ginabinaa09: thats not a really man thats just a immature boy still growing up.
Ginabinaa09: real*
niR: in his mind hes a man
Ginabinaa09: well .. everything is preception if you reallying think about it LOL!!
niR: lol yea
Ginabinaa09: yea he's a man bc he can take 12 beers and not b drunk
niR: yup
Ginabinaa09: now he's "cool"
niR: truth is just something that is preceived as true
niR: like sometimes i pretend like im a real man who is drunk 24/7 but its not true but i preceive it as true so i beleive its true
Ginabinaa09: yea. and you know whats more funny. i dated a boy just like that and "been with" and im also friends with many guys like that and there the most un manly men i have ever met.
The truth is guys like this are really assholes that on occasion mean well. Guys like this they come with a lot of extra unnecessary bullshit. There "high maintenance" mean while they will sit there and call us girls “high maintenance or drama queens”. When really it’s the other way around. I use to be one of those girls who falls for the “cool guys” aka assholes, I still could be (idk). I know one thing though I lost my “high maintenance” man along time ago.
Soon after the drama started to fade then the pain faded very slowly. Now all of that drama and pain has fallen on the shoulders of somebody else. I wont lie I use to be jealous of her and I use to think I missed him and still loved him for a short second, soon after realizing I really don’t miss you or love you anymore. I dont know when i became to good for you, but i do know its easy to forget when the person needs me like a bad habit. Then it all it hit me like a tone of bricks it all came togeather that replacement "girl" is nothing to be jealous of. All I have to say is, if she or he only knew….
Realize this; people will not soak up your pathetic sorry stories forever. Sometimes I think, people think, the stories they tell other people about how there “life is so bad” or “ if you leave me I will kill myself” will make the person they are dating or friends/family realize how much they love them or make them feel bad and stick around. Ill be honest it does do that for a short time, then later it just push’s people away.
This is my advice to people with a “Terrible life”. . Stop trying to soak up sympathy from the entire world and grow up. The fact is half of the people trying to get sympathy from you are in reality really cocky and just like hearing good shit about themselves. Also your so called “problems” that you really don’t have shouldn’t be making you hate yourself, or cut yourself.(everybody freakin cuts now a days) Not only that but cutting yourself is pointless and stops no pain and makes nothing better and the is problem still there like it or not. These crap stories only work for so long, DON’T YOU GET IT. I hate the fact that so many of my friends cut, the only reason you people do it is because you want sympathy and to see if anybody cares that your in “pain”. Its dumb and pointless and your dumb and pointless. The worst part of all is people do care and you people always choose to ignore that fact, only making things seem worse then they really are. If you go out with a “real man” or a “dramatic girl” they will cry about everything and they wont be worth it. So just don’t date “real men” or girls at all because there all a pain in the ass to you “real men” .
-Okay I just vented, I feel much better. I really needed that :o)
This may seem like it’s to only one person and certain person but it’s not its in "general"
There are many writing errors that i am to lazy to fix so sorry and work with my writing.
"This is you trying hard to
make sure that you're seen
With a girl on your arm
and your heart on your sleeve
Remind me not to ever think of you again
Remind me not to ever think of you again < - - "
and by the way guys like you are a touch overrated.. get over yourself :o)(please)(once again "general" statement and ment for more then one guy and girl.
leave me a comment.. <3 gina