it has come to my attention that i haven't given much info regarding my living situation. oppps!
here's the basic info:
On-campus apartment
1 kitchen
1 sink/toilet
1 sink/shower
Roommate 1: Sarah
-german, from duesseldorf
-very friendly and happy
-cool decorating sense (she already decorated the kitchen, etc... before i moved in)
Roommate 2: Adam
-czech, from prague
-likes to make jokes, a lot
-plays electric guitar, a lot
General Info:
-our building is situated next the uni's botanical gardens and is not far from the rhein
-it takes about 15-20 minutes to get to class. fortunately german classes start 15 minutes late so if i leave right when they're technically starting, i'm early
-there are two main bus lines that we can use from our place: 835 and 836. there are also two main street car lines: 707 and 711. i use the 707 to go to church and the buses for practically everything else.
-by the way, i saw 3 bunnies!
-that wasn't especially relevant
-oh, yeah it's kind of weird living with a guy. everyone get's their own room, though. so it's not THAT weird.
now time for some pics!
this is along my walk to school
this is also on my way; germans are crazy about recycling!
here's half the bathroom...
here's the kitchen
here's the dining room/living room
here's my room
here's that famous travelling kitty: Chloe
by the way, if you'd like my address and/or if you'd like me to send you a video of a tour of my apartment, just send me an email. the video is either with music or with commentary; your choice.