(no subject)

Aug 27, 2004 11:29

first grade teacher's name: Miss Traurig
last word you said: oh.
last song you sang: "amazed".
last thing you laughed at: michelle(but id ont remember what she said).
last time you cried: this morning, and every other moment for the past 2 weeks.
what's in your cd player? jojo, usher, tsunami bomb, lankmark records, fiona apple, and an R&B mix cd (i gots a 6cd changer in the car).
what color socks are you wearing: i dont wear socks.
what's under your bed: a box full of me and the boyfriends memories ( i need to burn taht today).
what time did you wake up today: 9:20am b/c michelle wanted to get coffee.

what is your career going to be: cosmetologist.
where are you going to live: no clue.
how many kids do you want: none if im not with HIM.
what kind of car will you drive: no idea.

current hair: short A-line, blonde and blueblack...but its needs to grow faster.
current clothes: jeans and a BOYbeater.
current annoyance: HIM.
current smell: the crumb cake im baking...mmmm
current longing: for "us" to work out and for him to love me the way he used to.
current desktop picture: a field.
current favorite music artist: usher, he makesme wanna dance.
current book: nothing at the moment.
current worry: the end of us.
current hate: him
story behind your username: i dont have a SN, im not cool enough.
current favorite article of clothing: my AE jeans and my boybeaters.
one person you wish was here right now: him.
line from the last thing you wrote to someone: i havent written to anyone
i am happiest when: i cant remember the last time i was happy.
i feel lonely when: i'm lonely all the time.
do you think too much: constantly and itmakes things worse.
if you could live anywhere in the world, where: anywhere as long as im with him and we';re happy.
famous person you have met: the cast of That 70s Show, Tia and Tamera from Sister, Sister and more
do you have any regrets: tons.
sex or love: both, but love first.
favorite coffee: mint mocha or chocolate brownie frap.
favorite smell: ralph lauren Romance.
favorite sound: the words I LOVE YOU from his mouth.
what makes you mad: him.
favorite way to waste time: all i do is waste time, but with michelle its always fun.
are you in currently in love/lust: absolutely, but im not being loved back.
what's the craziest thing you have ever done?: i dont know off hand.
any bad habits: overanalyzing and worrying
do you find it hard to trust people: oh yes, i cant trust anyone except michelle.
last thing you bought yourself: mcdonalds.
bath or shower: shower.
favorite seasons: summer and fall.
favorite color: aqua
favorite time of day: middle of the afternoon/night.
gold or silver: platinum
any secret crushes: mmmmhmmm...i used to go to school with him and havent seen him in FOREVER and all random we hung out the other night!

how many coats and jackets do you own: umm 5 i think.
do you wear a watch: sometimes.
favorite pants color: medium vintage wash from my work.
most expensive item of clothing: i cant afford expensive clothes.
most treasured: polar bear pj pants i got from HIM the week after we got together.

do your friends know you: only one.
what do they tend to be like: i dont get it?
can you count on them: shes the only stable thing in my life.
can they count on you: she sure can.

last book you read: i dont remember.
last movie you saw: monster
last movie you saw on the big screen: spiderman 2.
last show you watched on tv: some golf thing that HE was watching.
last song you heard: Tsumani Bomb
last thing you had to drink: mint chip mocha .
last thing you ate: churro.
last time you showered: yesterday.
last time you smiled: cant remember, .
last time you laughed: who knows.
last person you hugged: cory.
last person you talked to online: i dont talk online
last person you talked to on the phone: michelle

smoke?: yes.
do drugs: i sure do, but the bad ones anymore.
drink: mmhmm.
sleep with stuffed animals: jsut my Walter.
have a dream that keeps coming back: yea but in different forms.

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