Whoo, last week was Spirit Week. It was fucking awesome. Basically the entire school neglects their school work for a week, spends lunch time watching idiotic competitions between the different grades, and dresses up for theme days. It may sound dumb, but it is seriously some of the most fun we have all year. The last day is the best. We have an assembly at the end of the day (We miss last period, yes!) and compete in the last competitions of the week. Of course, the best is the DDR competition. Oh yeah, our grade swept the board in that. Ryan just rocks so much at DDR.
The last day was also class color day and the sophomores were yellow. So, I wore tons and tons of Spongebob stuff. I had the most awesome Spongebob tank and boxer combo. Spirit Week: The one time of the year where you can wear your underwear as your clothes. The sophomore class came in third. I was so hoping we would beat the juniors this year. We came close, but no dice. So, it went in order of grade, with Seniors getting first, Juniors getting second, Sophomores getting third, and freshmen getting last. Seniors always win. Except for that one year... but that is not to be mentioned...
I also failed my math test. Yeah... I got a 62. And there are no make-ups. Fuck yeah. But, you know, I'm trying to look at the positives. 1) I'm still getting a B-, and I can bring that up if I try and 2) This may finally convince my mom that I'm not good enough at math to take an AP course. I think it's kinda funny I got so low though, considering I was getting an A before this test. A lot of people bombed... too bad our little freshmen geniuses threw off the curve.
And totally stolen from
What the hell for South Dakota? EDIT: Oh, and yes, I did bring my brother's Spongebob plush to school for class color day. It made a nice pillow during class.