Oct 14, 2006 00:10
so much has happened since my last entry-nothing important though. not to make my experiences seem invalid- because they are, but nothing strikes me enough to write about.
i had a successful vintage sale with my girlfriend astara- i sold, maybe, 4 things and made over 200 dollars. i feel like i need to be working hard on becoming... something in the vintage.. industry? whatever. at least i feel like i have been involved in vintage long enough that i could probably capitalize on it. if that would do me any good. i am finally happy in colorado- it took some major realizatiuons and settling in, a year of both- but i finally feel like i know what i'm doing here, if not where i'm going. jeff and i are finally real with eachother. it if VERY hard to be honest to yourself, much less you other half. i kind of get it. i know i;ll get it more later on in life, although i have know idea where i'll be by then.
tonight was fun, i am hgappy with my friends in colorado- even though i am terrible about making plans (no change there)
today i went and thrifted a ton of vintage clothing around denver- it was really relaxing and made me feel like hayley again. it's weird that my favourite thing to do is spend money at thrift stores on vintage clothing. i seriously get this ridiculous rush when i find something "fantastic." i don't know. i dont know what i'm doing anymore.
i think i'll be home for thanksgiving. at least x mas.
see you soon.