Nov 03, 2005 18:34
Its been a while...damn well my computer crashed and I couldnt update for a while much less get on the computer...I had to rebute my Orfin files...anyway I went trick-or-treating with James his brother Amanda and Lee....It was uber fun...we got lots of candy and had way to many laughs to even begin to talk about. But it was a blast. I hope we do it again too.
I am seriously considering like finding somewhere else to stay because I have gotten to the point of where I cant stand my mothers voice....she talks WAYYYY to damn much.....STFU already damn.
Things havent really changed...but I have gotten to the point where I like to paint my fingernails black....I have always like the color but my parents are never gonna let me do it unless its like Tacky Day or Halloween...there so close minded....I seriously wouldnt mind having my nails done black every once in a while but damn you know?...well thats gonna be it for now I guess.. I have a flag project due in World History that I have yet to start. Its for extrea credit but I need it...
OHHHH and guess what!....I made a 94 on my Algebra Mod 2 EXAM which = HAWT BUTT SECKS