ups n downs, ups n downs.
music is going great under the new name Technodrone. Looking for work to no avail. Lex n I split a few months ago. my DJing has been picking up a lot. not all scene specific but close enough. new ink in a week or two bc I am bartering DJing for ink. Got about 30 pages done on my book, so now it's standing at 93. No set bar on pages, just what feels right. Also began work on another which may be a joint effort. It's some of my memoirs to date and antics, combined with someone elses. We have both lived interesting lives and want t get our stories out. Childhood, professional, music, etc. Gunna do it split story style. One chapter is X and X story, next is X. And so on. If it wernt for
SORP Films I'd wanna call it "Stories of Industrial Retards" heh