Blood Donation

Nov 14, 2012 13:10

Today I got dressed ready for my bike rider and then I pulled out - I didn't fancy riding in the rain. I planned to go for a swim this afternoon but didn't realise that I would have to keep my site where I gave blood covered up for 2 hours and so no exercise today. Perhaps I should get the wii fit out?

Anyway went along to gave blood. I have been meaning to do it for a while but I let life get in the way - being pregnant and all that but with all the blood transfusions Tamsin received in hospital I really think it is important I pay it back.

On the FAQ website for the Red Cross it shows how my blood will help 3 people!

I see from the picture that it helps Orthopaedic patients - which would be my mother who has had 2 hip operations and my MIL who has had knee replacement and perhaps will be me in the future if my arthritis enters other joints.

blood donation

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