
Apr 16, 2010 14:47

I would love to post an update, it's been a month but to get on the computer is nigh impossible with Alexander dropping his naps. Though today he did play in his room for about an hour with his building blocks which was great, pity his sister didn't have her nap.

Emily is getting better at sleeping at night. Usually waking between 4 and 5. I was hoping for 5 last night as the night before was 4:30 and the night before that was 4. But no last night was 3:30 and having 6 hours sleep I couldn't get back to sleep. Since it is nearly 3 now I doubt she will get any sleep, Daniel thinks it is better if she doesn't sleep because she sleeps better, Alexander is getting a bout 10-12 hours a night and I cannot post anymore as I have Emily slowly pulling this room apart. Emily usually does about an hour - to an hour and a half per nap, sometimes only 40 minutes.

I was very excited the other night she put herself to sleep and woke at 3 but put herself to sleep then and then woke at 4. We haven't had a repeat of that. I still have to wrap her for naps because she just won't settle and lie still if she isn't wrapped. When we went to the sleep care cottage they said keep wrapping her but get looser and looser but if it is loose she just gets out and plays.

At night I have given up on the wrap because she just kept waking unwrapped had to rewrap her. So now I put her in a sleeping bag and lie on the floor and wait for her to go to sleep which can take between 15 minutes to an hour.

Her walking has really taken off. She is walking everywhere, crawling is no longer the main form of transportation. She's been walking for about a month now, though it has probably been about 2 weeks when it has been her preferred form of getting around. I realised she had switched when she got upset and instead of crawling to get to me she walked.

She is much more efficient then Alexander as she can stand up and walk and so if she falls over she just gets back up. Alexander couldn't stand up when he learnt to walk, so if fell he would have to crawl to the nearest point to pull himself up. Alexander was about 14 months when he took his first steps so she is about a month ahead of him on that and about 6 months in being able to stand up.

She has a few words - the main ones daddy, night night, ta ta, occasionally mumma and sometimes I think she is saying dada for Alexander. We've also heard bubbles, doggie, birdie.

Alexander is getting better at talking to, still not at his peers though I hear him talking to Emily saying "what you doing?" which is a phrase we say alot so he has picked it up. He can count to 20 (though has trouble with being able to say 7). He recognises numbers up to 20 and can sometimes recognise numbers in the twenties which I think is pretty good.

If he is thinking he talks but his first point of regress is still shouting or making noises or hitting if upset. We are trying to get him to extend himself. So instead of saying "light" or "fan" he needs to say "want" sometimes he says "want" and we are like "what?" and he is "like" "ok" or "that" or "this" which can be a little frustrating trying to work out what he wants.

Well I have managed to post a bit letting Emily walk around, I don't know if at this point to give up on the nap or try again *sigh*

milestones, emily, walking, alexander

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