
Sep 22, 2009 20:28

Emily will chew on pretty much anything but as soon as she works out it is food she won't go near it. I give her a spoon, she happily chews on it. I put food on it, she closes her mouth, turns her head, pushes it away. She just isn't interested. Alexander was like a little baby bird once he worked out what it was all about. Mouth open and crying for more before we had even got the spoon back to load up for more.

we are still trying to work out Emily's sleeping. She is an easier (mostly) baby than Alexander to settle, Alexander would cry and cry and we would have to stand and rock him never allowed to sit or put him down. Emily will let me rock her in the rocking chair but we can also put her down awake and pat her. Some days she can put herself to sleep, she is getting much better at nap time at doing that but during the night she won't put herself back to sleep. One night she did 9 hours which is probably the best since my birthday when she did 11 hours.

Last night she did 6 hours 6 til 12:30 and then a feed and then awake at 4:30 for another feed but she wouldn't go back to sleep, happy as larry but not interested in sleep. Then Alexander woke at 5 and no one was getting any sleep then.

She loves reaching for anything you are holding - phone, book, toothbrush etc.

One shouldn’t compare babies but she is not as active as Alexander was which makes it a little hard in one aspect and easy in another. Alexander was moving around from around 4 months so we could put him down and he would move off in search for entertainment which was hard because you would turn around and he wouldn’t be where you left him. At the time I thought it was hard but now that Emily only rolls back and forth she wants more attention and entertainment. She won’t go in search for herself. A couple of times I think she has inch backwards a little bit and in bed the other day she managed to move herself up the cot on her back.

We took Alexander to see a speech therapist about his lack of talking. We know for sure he has “der” for “there” and no and sometimes I think I hear dar or adar which is star and very occasionally we get mum or dad but not really.

She noted his mouth breathing and wondered if he has a post nasal drip from excess mucus perhaps from allergies or something. We also are getting his hearing tested.

She also said that he doesn’t extend his play but is very much a mover from one to the other unless he gets feedback such as noise or lights which is something we already knew. Martin said from what he heard and read in a letter mum sent my grandparents he was the same and he only had 3 words til the age of 3.

We are going again so hopefully this will do something for him.

She was encouraging about teaching him more signs to extend his vocab so before we just had aeroplane, fan, please and elephant. Now he has eat and more.

milestones, emily, alexander

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