What the babies are up to this week

Jul 10, 2009 13:08

Well we are gearing up for Alexander's 2nd birthday next week. My little baby boy is becoming a little boy.

He's walking and running around like anything. still not confident on steps. He either crawls up them, uses something to hold onto or waits to hold our hand to step up or step down. We are glad this means he cannot take off when we don't want him to but then if we don't get to him in time he will surprise us and step off the curb or down from a building. OUr screen door swings shut so he hasn't learnt the art of holding it open and stepping down.

He loves playing outside, whether scooping up bark chips and putting them in the dogs' water bowl, their food bowls, his car or my hands. He loves his three wheeler bike which is now in the bin because he loved it to death and hopefully he will get another one for his birthday..... yes he will.

He loves pushing things whether toy or his own pram, his trike or the washing basket trolley.

He sleeps well. He puts in 2 - 3 hour nap each afternoon and sleeps 12-13 hours at night though recently it seems to be about 11-12.


Has started sleeping through! WooHoo!! She slept 12 hours Mon night, 10 hours Tues and Wednesday night.

Poor thing had her 4 month vaccinations yesterday and they seem to have really affected her. She's had a fever and woke up twice last night to feed.

She's growing longer - over 60 cm (not measured recently) and is about 5.4kg. So she's small but she's active, very aware of surroundings and gives everyone big smiles.

She's generally a very content baby. Even this morning at 4:30 am with a fever and not going back to sleep she was gurgly and smiley.

She enjoys feeding when I am lying down with her in bed.

She rolls over every now and then but not with great frequency. I think the rolls she has done have been not planned yet but I did get one on camera. So she hasn't consciously worked out how to do it.

She's not commando crawling yet like Alexander was doing at this age but that's fine. Probably because she doesn't go down on the floor a lot because Alexander loves crawling over her and cuddling her. It is a lovely sight.

She thinks Alexander is great and gurgles to him.

She loves "chatting" with her noises to him and to us.

We were looking at photos of Alexander at the same age and we had him in the jolly jumper at this age but we hadn't even thought about it for her.

Anyway time to go and check on her.

She is starting to discover her feet, grabbing them but not in the mouth as yet. She also likes grabbing at hanging things or playing with her crinkly book in the car. Rattles she holds onto and then drops. She also enjoys cuddling her teddy blanket which pillows her head at night.

emily, alexander, baby

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