Walking, Sleeping and Work

May 27, 2008 08:06

Sunday I walked 2638 so that was between my aim of 2000 - 3000 so that's good. If I count my shops walk it is 13780 which is over my aim of 131000(but if I don't it is only 12392).

On Sunday night I missed the phone call offering me work at one school but then another called on Monday offering me a chance to be the Japanese teacher or Christian Studies - I took CS. It was quite a nice teaching day - lots of walking but I didn't take my pedometer. Up and down the hills but gentle teaching which was lovely!

After D picked me up we went for a walk and in about half an hour I did 3203 steps.

Oh I forgot - on Saturday night Alexander slept not so well - awake pretty much every 2 hours - I would need to comfort him, he would go back to sleep, I would go back to sleep and then up he'll be again. By the morning I was a bit jack of it - though D thought I only got up once! Anyway the baby nurse had recommended wrapping Alexander up again because he is so active to help him settle but I think I wrapped him too well Sat night because usually half way through the night he is out of his wrap - this time he wasn't and I think he woke up, couldn't roll to find a new position and so was unhappy and woke me so I could turn him. So Sunday I forgo wrapping him for his naps - AM he had about 2 1/2 hours - I woke him at that point and in the afternoon he had about 1 1/2 - 2 hours! Long naps. Then I put him to sleep about 6:30ish after we went to church and he settled and slept til 4am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without a wrap - just in his sleeping bag, fed him at 4 and he slept til 6 am but was very unhappy at 6 so I got up with him. Then at 7 work called. Oh I forgot - I couldn't go back to sleep at 4, was drifting off about 5:30ish and then got woken up. OH well.

Last night Alexander was put down about 6:45 and we thought he was asleep but we heard him at 7:15 and I went in to find him standing up, put him back down, off he went to sleep and stayed that way til 2 am! Yay! I managed to go back to sleep, then he woke at 6, I gave him another feed and he was quietish til 7 when I got back up with him. He's in the jolly jumper and probably at the end of his fun time in there so better take him out and feed him.

But I am very exciting about the once a night wake ups - even going through 9:30 which is usually a time he wakes up.

work, sleep, health, walking, alexander

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