Make Hay While the Sun Shines

Jun 24, 2007 12:39

Well not quite - more do lots and lots of laundry while the sun shines. I don't know what it is but I have to put an e in laundry all the time. So I have washed baby's woollens, baby's coloured clothes from the baby shower, towels, hand washed items (ok so I put them on the delicate cycle in the washing machine) and other stuff.

It is supposed to rain later this afternoon so trying to get it all done this morning before that happens and before it cools down too much for the clothes to dry.

I have been sitting on the verandah drinking hot chocolate and eating raisin toast and enjoying the sunshine and reading. Baby I think quite liked it and shifted around - or baby didn't like it and was trying to shift out of light and heat?

Who knows.

It is about 14 days plus 10 til the baby comes. ie A fortnight til the due date but babies come when babies come and they usually induce after 10 days. *sigh* Baby better come before then, that's my birthday as I have probably lamented before.

I just had to go let Molly in who has been enjoying wandering in and out of the sunshine. I swear I am at her beck and call - we probably should have a cat door for her but all our doors have security screens on them so that's not much use.

I am feeling hungry today - I thought my appetite was supposed to decrease as baby got bigger due to less room for stomach but this morning (just so you know what a greedy pig I am) I had cereal and juice when I first got up, then a couple of hours later I had my toast and hot chocolate and a mandarin and then some time on now I am having chippies. I have been feeling the need for chippies (a craving?) so I bought a small packet of salt and vinegar yesterday and a small packet of twisties. D laughed when he saw that on the supermarket docket.

Soon it must be lunch time soon so better put the chippies away. mmmm Could be a craving as I don't have much salt in my diet.

Anyway I have been fixing up the study and it is slowly coming together though I ended up sorting D's stuff out more than mine. Easier to sort other people's belongings. Anyway while I was tidying I was using green bags to move books around the house (gosh the more books I get rid of the more books I have)

Anyway one was on a chair - the chair Molly likes to sit on when she is hanging out in the study with me and so she hopped into the green bag.

It was very cute as she was playing with the tags inside and playing tag and then curling up to have a nap. She just came over to me and tapped me with her paw and miaowed, not quite sure what she wants - I have cleaned out the kitty litter box, fed her and given her water and opened and closed the doors for her so she can go in and out. A very pampered cat she is.

Last night I was tidying up stuff from the study and there were CDs and the reflection was bouncing off ceiling and walls and Molly was leaping quite far up to get to them. She has now lept up to the mantlesill but it is covered with items off the bookshelves that I impressed she managed to jump that high and not knock anything down, have removed some stuff for her and will watch as she destroys - on the other hand she succeeded in getting me to remove what she was chewing) Now she seems to be eyeing the top of the bookcase as if she could jump up there.

I did a bit more sorting of books yesterday and placed books in a pile of probably won't read again and still there is no room on my booksheles. I suppose its that law - the things you own expand to fill the space you have?

Ahh washing machine has topped and clouds are building up - to hang out or not to hang out?

molly, life, baby

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