Sunday's To Do List

Jun 17, 2007 11:21

It's a beautiful sunshiney day after days and days of rain so....

This morning I woke when D's alarm went off - 5ish amish (give or take a few minutes either side) which is better than Saturday morning when I woke up about 3am and couldn't really sleep after that.

So I tried to sleep for a couple of hours - Molly mewing outside my door so I let her in to have a cuddle (NOTE TO SELF: Add to To Do List - change sheets!)

Finally gave up, had some breakfast, listened to radio, tried to read as Molly wrecked mass destruction on room - ok not quite but enough to disturb the peace so I gave up (book is not really gripping me - I am currently rereading Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series from start to woah - order of dates not publication though I did manage to accidently skip one) Anyway I am up to the Heritage of the Hasturs and it is ok.

Anyway so got up, turned telly on and promptly went back to sleep, Molly sleeping in my lap. Managed to sleep I think for about 2 hours - did surface a couple of times but just dozed back off.

Watched some TV - had some toast and juice and took vitamins.
Turned computer on - checked emails, sent some, changed lj journal setup because friends page has done that "I'm stuck" thing again and was only showing posts of a couple of days ago so new layout now.

Sun is shining so I thought I would take the opportunity to wash baby clothes - white pile first so I can pack bunny wraps in hospital bag and make up basinet. I must keep an eye on the weather and bring in if it looks like it will rain again. I won't chance it with washing the coloureds pile. That can wait til tomorrow or Thursday. Am doing another random wash - should be washing what I am wearing but I am wearing that to do my other chores so they can go into laundrey basket and wait.

So anyway dogs are on warning of pain of death if they pull anything off the clothes line and mangle it like they can be tempted to do. I think it is Lucy more than Jacquie as Lucy is more prone to jumping. So my washing line looks like this.....

(that's jacquie lying in the sun, Lucy had been lying next to her but had to come running to jump up on me when she saw me come out with camera)

I had to face the mudpile of death underneath the washing line due to the fact that it has been a swimming pool on and off the last week or so with all the rain we have been getting.

(Had to run screaming out to the dogs - well yelling more than screaming as though I warned them off washing line Lucy had to get her nose into the bag of kitty litter which I had forgotten to put in bin after emptying kitty litter box and cleaning for Molly - you can see it drying in the above picture - and when I removed that she stuck her nose into various other items and was banished to her box. Hopefully very much realising she has been bad and won't attack the washing line)

Anyway the good news about the rain we have been having is that the dams are going to rise to a predicted 45% capacity - which doesn't sound too good but that is the highest they have been in 3 years and they could rise even more with the rain that is predicted.

Sydney Morning Herald article about rain and water and dam levels

112 mililitres fell just south of us so perhaps we got about the same. Our tank is more than overfull now!

The second load of washing has finished but there is probably not enough pegs to hang it out so I will wait about half an hour when the lighter wraps and baby stuff should be dry and do a swap over.

I am hoping Molly will be alright in the house with no kitty litter box. I was trying to keep her outside - funny when I want her out she wants in and when I want her in she wants out - well not funny - typical cat really!

Poor thing - they keep running out of her cat food at the store so we have to keep trying her on another brand and she doesn't like it and keeps meowing at me but I can't give her anything else because we ran out. I knew last time I should have stocked up on it when it was last in store. OH well only 3 more months of being a kitten and we can put her on adult food!

So what's next on to do list?
Change sheets so D doesn't go to bed sneezing tonight.
Hang out washing
Bring in washing
Print out pictures so I can finish wedding album but cannot find photo paper to print them out on
Tidy up study
Sweep out laundry
Finish packing hospital bag

Better go do some of it!

molly, life, baby

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