Books read June

Jul 23, 2005 15:23

I am not sure how accurate this will be as I haven't been too good at keeping my journal up to date what with work being frantic, moving and then going away. Due to going away and not packing enough books because I was camping and didn't think I would need too many books as well no light when camping I became desperate and glomfed onto some romances. Not that I am anti-romances and I like a good chick lit anyday but too many romanaces in too many days is overkill. But you won't see them pop up until July's list which will be a bit bare on the grounds like this month I suspect.

Read the month of June stars * ranked 0 not recommend to 3 * recommend highly
Ready or Not by Chris Manby *
The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler *
Ode to a Banker by Lindsey Davis *
Crazy for You by Jennifer Cruise**
A Dream of Stars by Brian Caswell**
Dragon Keeper by Carole Wilkinson ***
Atlantis Found by Clive Cussler *
A Woman's Eye ed Sara Paretsky ** (I think this was June though might have been July)

So only 8 books this month - many started and read cocurrently which is why nothing was finished. I am dropping down in books read. Definetly not taking the train is affecting my reading. I knew driving a car was bad for you health wise but not mind wise as well. Oh well today I am taking a drive and I have "The Last Battle" by CS Lewis to listen to.

I don't know how this affects my averages as that is on another computer.

Movies seen the month of June stars * ranked 0 not recommend to 3 * recommend highly
Mr and Mrs Smith*
Star Wars **
Madagascar *

Hrm that could be right, could be wrong. Near enough.

books, movies

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