Aug 20, 2005 22:13
i think i have a crush on a girl. and it's so weird for me, because i've never felt this way for someone just automatically. when i first saw her i really didn't think anything but oh hey she must be super cool, can't wait to get to know her. just like i think of anyone when i first meet them. but as the night progressed her unbelieve natural beauty just shined and shined. i'm not saying who, because i don't want to be judged. i've only met her once, but she replays in mind when i think about things. i just had to say something about it. like i could tell any of my friends? and even though this is public and everything, it's just different. so sorry if you feel different about me. or think i'm just doing this to get attention. because i'm really not. i just have this deep beat to my heart when i think about her. and i'm not going to take any actions upon this confused feeling. because it definetly won't help. thanks. i just needed to say something about this.
sorry if i made a bad impression on you, i don't really care.
this doesn't mean i'm gay, i just have this amazing feeling for a girl.
things would be so much better if all of her was put into a guy. ♥