[Hey, sup sup Somarium, I'm sure with the flooding and the ruins and all of you working so hard to fix everything that was damaged, the last thing you need is the face of a troll kid clogging your Dreamberries. One that has a particularly proud smile, showing off his very shark like teeth.]
Ingrates a Somarium, I feel I need to make an announcement. Some a you know me, a lot a you don't, I'd suggest workin' on that since I'm sorta a big deal, but that isn't the point a this. If you see a nubby horned, owerly angry, messy haired mutant troll, take note that he is not there for your hatred. If you ALREADY hawe any pitch feelin's for him, somethin' fuckin' caliginous? I'd suggest you keep those damn feelin's to yourself--you see, Karkat Wantas is MY fuckin' kismesis, he is mine, not any a yours and so help you if you ewen try to steal him from me.
If you do, I don't think you'll be able to handle the goddamn consequences. I do not take well to those tryin' to mess with what is mine. So if you'd like to prolong your meaningless existence, steer clear of him if you cannot contain your black leanin's; because, I'm fuckin' watchin'.
[And click goes the feed!]
(ooc: Backdated to right after this