[The feed clicks on and what is seen is a rather upset looking gray person with candy corn horns in the shape of lightning bolts.]
[He takes a second, staring into the camera to be sure it was working before he starts.]Low bloods! I hawe an issue that is a dire importance! This isn't no skyhorse shit or anythin' like that, I'm lookin' for someone
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It was obvious what kind of matesprit Feferi didn't want.
When he answers, he can't help but allow his soreness to leak through his words. His bitterness flooding each syllable like the waters did the earth in that biblical story the trolls knew nothing about. Unless there was some ironic troll version to it, but that wasn't important right now.
"I'd imagine... Giwen the ewidence, she wants a four-horned, disgustin' commoner a the mustard-blooded wariety." Pure venom in his words. His brows knitting as he his mind went to ponder the one he was describing. How he absolutely loathed that peasant, that good for nothing mustard blood. How he wanted nothing more than to kill him and take back what was rightfully his, what belonged to him from his wriggling day.
Thinking about it was so frustrating, so entirely exhausting--mentally and emotionally. It wasn't long before those stings at his eyes became even more persistent and even threatens to actually become tears. The corners of his mouth pulled downward into a painful frown, glowering at nothing in particular, but at the same time imagining it was the source of all his issues. As if a mere facial expression could do anything anyway. It was as useless as the sea troll prince.
This probably needs more explaining, so she continues before he has a chance to interrupt. "I meant, do you think she'd want someone kind, or brave, or noble, or what?" She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know Feferi that well, and since you've known her since you were both wigglers, I think you'd have a better idea than anyone."
Flattery always helps. Especially with Eridan.
"I--I don't know." He says with a heartbreaking defeated tone. He knew Feferi for so long, and as much as he loved her and as much as he thought he knew what was best--when it came down to what she actually wanted he didn't have a goddamn clue. Which was making him a bit more frustrated and even more surly.
"How fuckin' pathetic. Here I am, the one who has known her the fuckin' longest and I can't ewen answer that question. I know what she should want, but as far as what she actually does. I don't have a fuckin' codfondlin' clue as to what it could ewen be. I am one sorry suckerfish, a fuckin' selfish oweremotional drama machine. I'm am so fuckin' low and such a waste a fuckin' skin. How did she--how do you ewen deal with me, Kan? Sweet stinkin' murder, why do you ewen waste your time on someone as utterly fuckin' pathetic?"
Here we go, the self hating vicious spiral. He rubs at his eyes, his head still drooping. He pushes his glasses up, out of the way as he actually proceeds to stifle a sniffle. He was starting to shake, his emotions obviously taking over his actions and thought processes. If he hadn't put his scarf up on the railing, it would probably find itself within the mouth of the depressed prince, being chewed on in an attempt to hide his overly emotional display of self loathing. For the most part, he was keeping it as well together as he could--but it was definitely a ticking time bomb before he'd turn into a sobbing mess of troll.
"You're not pathetic," she tells him, keeping her voice low and soft. "You're not pathetic, because I don't waste my time with pathetic trolls, understand? You have just as much potential and possibility as anyone else... you just haven't realized it yet." Maybe if he stopped focusing on what he is supposed to be and instead looked at what he is, he'd have an easier time of it, but she's pretty sure he's not ready for that particular truth bomb yet.
She switches back to a safer topic. "Maybe it's something you should think about," she tells him. "Try and figure out the kind of troll Feferi would want... and then try to be that troll."
Okay, she was fudging the truth a little earlier. She has a pretty good idea of the kind of troll Feferi would want: kind, generous, and most of all, confident, and not the fake kind either, but genuine, true confidence. The kind that comes from loving yourself. She thinks that if Eridan can learn to do that, he might win her back, and even if he doesn't get her, he could attract someone else in the process.
Anything she was saying, he wasn't exactly listening to. He got the gist of it kind of, but right now his head hurt and he was too busy feeling sorry for himself to really let any of it sink it. For now anyway. Certainly right now was not the time for deep pondering on this matter, but later, maybe.
"I-I'm p-pretty shh-sh-sure I'll newer be the t-troll she wa-wants! Who would want a useless b-bottomfeeder l-l-like me?"
The other point was harder to argue. Honestly, she didn't think Feferi would ever want Eridan, at least not the way he wanted her to want him, but she knew that if she told him that, he'd completely fall apart, and even with all her meddling skills, she wasn't sure she could put him back together again after that. "But you can try to be," she told him softly. "If you try to be, that's better than nothing, isn't it?"
He's not really listening. She knows this, but hopefully the words are sinking in, just a little, and maybe it's something he'll think about later. Maybe it's something they can work out together, and maybe, just maybe, he can learn how to be happy.
"Uh, I'm not really sure if, this is the right time but. Tinkerbull, got stuck, in the kitchen sink. I, uh, I don't really know how or why, but, I can't get him out."
That is until.
That voice... The one of the crippled troll, it is such an offensive noise his fins curl in distaste, his sorrow changing to blind rage in an instant. Turning his head just enough so his bleary eyes can focus a glare at the wheelchairstuck troll.
"Taw, if there was ewer a time for you to stop existin', NOW would be that fuckin' TIME." He's doing everything he can to keep from getting up and flipping that wheel chair Tavros was in. He does not have the time for YOUR BULLSHIT.
Kanaya gives him one last gentle squeeze around the shoulders and then stands up. "You should go get that shirt soaking in some cold water," she tells Eridan. "Otherwise, that dirt might set in." It won't, but that should distract him. Although she should get her shirt soaking too, since the entire shoulder is stained purple.
"All right, Tavros. Show me what happened to Tinkerbull." Hopefully this will be an easy extraction.
He wheels back inside, leading Kanaya over to the kitchen sink. There was Tinkerbull, stuck with just his head poking out of the drain. A very 'why me?' expression on his face. It may or may not be easy for Kanaya but Tavros cannot reach that far up.
Speakin' a which, he definitely needed to get that back.
But it could wait for now, seeing as he has other worries. Much like his shirt. So rubbing his eyes, trying to eliminate all of the remaining tears before getting up and heading inside. He avoids the crippled troll and the fussy troll as he makes his way to his own room to change his shirt. It really was just a minuscule amount of dirt, nothing to actually get upset about.
But this is Eridan. Even the smallest thing was worthy of blowing out of proportions. Once he finishes changing, he comes back out and peers into the kitchen to watch the two other trolls try and retrieve Tinkerbull from the sink.
How was... How did that even become a thing?
Kanaya decides that she really doesn't want to know the specifics. All she needs to know is that the little lusus is really wedged in there, and when she tugs on him, something in the pipes catches, and Tinkerbull looks up at her with pained eyes. Dammit. She'll hurt him if she keeps trying this tact, and then she'd have one inconsolable troll, one gloating troll, and one injured lusus to deal with, and that? That is something she doesn't need.
She ponders the situation for a minute, suddenly all too aware of the science wand she still has captchalogued with her chainsaw. That would... that would probably work. Time to use her feminine wiles again.
"Eridan?" she calls sweetly. "Do you want your wand back?"
"It's okay, Tinkerbull. Kanaya, will get you out."
Taking the bait, he approaches them and eyes the poor lusus that was currently stuck in the sink. It was still bewildering as to how it even got stuck in there, but it wasn't anything Eridan really cared to dwell on.
"A course I want my wand back." He says flatly as he eyes her with great suspicion. He knew there was going to be something required of him, so she might as well get on with it really.
"You can have it back if the first thing you do with it is get Tinkerbull out of the sink," she tells him. "And you have to do it right away, not hurt Tinkerbull or break the sink, and then give him back to Tavros immediately." She eyes him cautiously. "And if you're going to attack anyone with it afterwards, attack me and not them, since I'm the one who took it from you in the first place," she finishes.
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