Oct 28, 2005 19:56
Well my suspicions were correct. Last week i was hit on by this 18 girl and i intelligently said no to her. But my friend whose name i wont use went behind and did stuff with her and didnt tell because he isunder the impression that i liked her.....i dont know about you folk, but this 25 dont like dating highschooler's...yes she is in highschool and pregnant to boot. Why would i want to be in that kind of situation? So back to my point he acting all shady about it and thinks im dumb and i want to say something about it.........but i like the fact that the guilt is eating him up inside. I told himi several time's that im not about highschool and drama and it insults to think that i would be interested in some pimple face dawson creek reject...and more insulting that she telling people im sweating her. i havent been angry.truly angry in years and this is probably the closet i gotten to it. Aside from that im at this very moment talking to kim..yes Kim.......thought it was time for me to close yet another choatic door so i wont have to regret the ways things ened years from now.....kinda not going the way i wanted to so i gtg