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May 30, 2005 21:26

well i must say that this weekend has been one of the best...even though i did miss the fab five!well on friday i visited Grand Valley State University with My parents and lizzy and her parents and i absolutly love it. it was so cool and i can totally see my self going to collage there (they even have a Younglife group set up there...YES) i need to visit other schools to get a view of all types of schools but i think my hearts set on Grand Valley. after that visit i am so excited about college i just want to skip senior year and leave. then i went to chicago with lizzy and did way to much shopping...i think i bought enough clothes for a new outfit every day for the last 8 days of school. we saw some sweet curb side shows on the streets of Miracle Mile(Michigan Street) like this one dude was disco dancing for money and he was hilarous...then we visited the Hancock Observatory (aka the Sears Tower, why they changed it...i dont know) and saw a b-e-a-utiful sunset. then on sunday we went to the field museum and saw Sue the T-Rex! then we went to this comedy club called The Second City and it was honestly one of the funniest things i have ever seen...then we walked forever looking for a pizza place and couldnt find one so we went to a fancy place (we were in sweats and sweat shirts so it was a little awkward) the waitor was cool and they had the best apple pie ever... then this morning lizzy and i ran in a 5K (3 miles)race and we did pretty good in the standings but not so much in the times...i was disabled becasue of my foot and dragged her behind for a while but she ended up second over all in the women category so she gets a prize and i got first in our age group(technicaly she beat me but they took the top three people out of the age group standings so i got boosted to first) then we had to wait a while for Mrs. Kendall and Rich to finish their half-marathon and we got alot of free stuff including a free massage which was wonderful...then we drove 5 hours to get home( i slept 90 percent of the way) then i went to soccer practice then my fam came over so i hung out with my cousins. and thats about all i did and now its back off to school which i am not looking foward to at all.

~Kara Rose~
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