Sep 25, 2004 22:38
Hey everyone. I had a really good day today. I woke up at like 11 ish and did absolutly nothing until 5 o clock cause then Gaby told me that she wasn't alond to o to the movies at 8 so we had to go to the movies at 6:15 for a 7:00 showing, and of course i thought it was going to be sold out but it wasn't and we got there an hour early for no reason. But the movie was GREAT! we saw "The Forgotten" it was really kinda scairy cause at first you think the woman is like insane and then...well you'll hvae to see it, but damn there are sum scairy ass parts that you really dont was crazyness. I also saw one of my kids from camp there, Brendan, he came up behind me and was like "Hey Denise" so then i turned around and i was like um hi and hes like you dont remember me from camp. I am like Oh Brendan, and then he just walked away. It was good. After we went to the movies we all deciced we were going to the we did and got some perfumes and stuff. It was fun! Anyway
Today i realized sumthing. We all are so much happier and get alone so much better with Alyah not as ur friend. I mean i am sure we could work around that whole thing but i mean like Friday was such a perfect day we all hung out and talked and everything was fine but then when i heard from my friend about what Alyah said everything went down hill and NOTHING was fine, and then when Roger told Alyah the stuff after 9th she totally flipped out and then he wasn't fine...i dont know what i am getting at here but i guess when we add Alyah to this whole thing EVERYTHING goes wronge. I know that sounds mean and totally outta place but i think its true! Anyway
Ok yeah i g2g OMG i think this SOOOOOOOOOOOO sucks! OMG! Sleep Sweet Night Night! Byex
Love Neicey