Oct 05, 2004 20:44
So i basically bombed the MERO test last Friday with a 2.90. Not good at all. I have failed my goal of getting a 3.00 or better on every test. Section 6 challenged us in some baseball. Did I ever mention that I hate baseball? Well I do. Baseball is for pansies. So anyway, I played some baseball. I am a beast in the outfield and my only problem when hitting is that I swing at everything whether it be 2 feet over my head on in the dirt. I really don't give no fuck because I tend to hit the ball like 4 out of every 5 times. We lost by slaughter rule though. That was bull because we kept playing for "fun" and we caught up until some other people came and had a scheduled game. I sat in outfield most of the game watching Vogel and Sundberg mess up while I scratched my nuts like I was supposed to. We went to the commissary because I'd never been to the commissary. It is the greatest place in the world. Prices are so cheap. I bought a roll of cookie dough and ate it in 2 days. It was sooooooo good. We played the civilians in hockey again, and again we won pretty easily. Chesney was in goal and had a shutout for the first half. I had 5 goals on 3 different goalies. Me and Donovan single handedly destroyed them. Today I had to take the Physics Final. I finished in an hour and a half and tried to sleep for the last half of the test. I only got a 3.23 though which is very surprising. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what I got wrong. The rest of the school day went by so damn slow. It was painful. We had to PT after school too, so I had to do my homework after that. We played monkey in the middle with a soccer ball. Donovan, Shawver, Sundberg, Mitchell and me all played until we got bored then we went to the galley and ate then went to study. Other than that this week has been pretty boring. I'll probably hang out with Sarah friday night. That should be fun.