Jul 25, 2004 22:49
alrighty children this is the kinda entry we all love...the complaint entry :) i've had a lotta things on my mind lately and most of them are things in my life that i want changed so instead of gettin up and doin somethin about it im gunna write it all down for you fine people to read. so here it goes..
-my hair sucks i need to cut it but i dont know how i want it
-i wanna cuddle
-im gettin stressed out over school and it hasnt even started
-only bout a week and 3 days left of summer
-i need to finish my school clothes shoppin but i have no $
-im very tired but i cant go to sleep
-i want it to be winter
-it needs to snow
-i want it to be my bday cause i want presents
-im not really happy about the way i look *shocker*
-i have a headache
-i wanna take piano lessons again
-i wanna do a sport but i dont
-i feel the need to redo my room but my mom is puttin it off
-im hungry but i cant eat cause its too late
-im the most bored i've been in a while
-i feel like i should get a shower
-did i mention im tired
-complaining makes me feel dumb and annoying
-i need somethin drastic to happen
-i miss my dad :(
-babysittin my brothers this week is gunna be hell
-i wanna change my layout but i dunno how
-mosquito(sp) bites suck
-i wanna complain more but like i said i feel dumb and annoying.....so im gunna stop
have a super duper night