(no subject)

Jul 07, 2007 00:25

good vibes good vibes good vibes to you

i am content. other than the fact that i have to go to oakville for a week, i am very happy. my hair is growing, i am feeling happy about the way i look, my dad bought a wii, i'm going on a movie date with my mom tomorrow, sean comes over and we play video games a lot, plus seeing tiff and becky and nick and brendan and joey again always boosts spirits.

i wish there was an easier way for me to find a place to live... i am considering leaving it all up to cam to find a decent 3 bedroom for us (being cam, mike and myself) and just not going back to oakville at all until september. i'm really, really dreading it. i guess it's only going to be 5 days or whatever... it will go fast. it should. i hope it does. :\

oh yeah and farmers market tomorrow morning! fucking hell do i love the farmers market. vegetables! enter my mouth! i want to lose a little weight/get more fit so i am trying to eat better and at least break a sweat every day. so far, so good. and cucumber is the most delicious thing ever.

another good thing is that i have money. i mean, not disposable, but it's starting to build up. this makes me soooo happy; it's just nice to see a balance that's not $2.52 and leaves you eating expired corn flakes for a week straight. mm, yes. i am making a small exception and going to the zoo or the rom or the ago with sean sometime next week to feed my mind and clear my head after the fucked up week i feel like oakville will be. that house has bad vibes, i swear. it's not a good feeling being alone in a big house with just one other guy who happens to be a pervert and makes me very uncomfortable. i am planning a talk with him, and i think it will go well. he just needs to know his place. and then, i'm sure we can be the best of pals.

adam schedler also emailed me randomly to ask how i'm doing. that was nice, i havent heard from the kid for a while. levi, too, except he's still the same.

AND... textiles. i am so stoked. i have just been real stoked on life for the past week or so. it's nice when things look up for a while; it makes up for all the down days.

anyway, time for conan and bed to allow ample sleep time.
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