Jan 29, 2006 16:38
OK so I just came home after being away for freaking two days; the weirdest days of my life.
So it started Friday night. Remember that tuesday night I talked about, well when we were there asshole encouraged us to come fri to listen to a live band. Well cool, we could go but not associate with him. So after our dance class ended at 9:30, Lisa and I headed to the bar. We arrive there all hyped up on endorphins from working out and tout a coup asshole appears out of nowhere yelling "The last time you two were here you guys left without paying for your drinks. It made it really awkward for me because Im friends with the bar tender." I meanwhile am exclaiming, "I didn't have a drink, I didn't have a drink." to which asshole says "Don't get in my face." Being the meek person I am, I recoiled without even hearing his retort and did everything I could to hold back tears. Apparently he continued, but I felt so attacked I stayed mute with thoughts in my own little world trying to hold back tears. He told my friend Lisa that we should buy two drinks, apologize and pay Bryce (asshole) back, although apparently to him "It wasn't about the money, but the principle."
Yes Bryce, because I purposefully left a bar without paying for a drink that I hadn't ordered. If it really wasnt about the money thane he would have just paid the bartender without making a big deal of it. I had seen him twice before that friday and he had never mentioned anything to me at all. Not that we were on the best of terms, but if it were on terms of business such as money than I would have definitely been willing to talk, because I don't purposefully stiff people, I generally think of myself as a generous person. Plus, not to excuse not paying for drinks, but we were drunk and Bryce knew that and people make mistakes when they are drunk. So I dont know what principle his mightiest is on his high horse about except for the permanent stick wedged up his ass.
Anyway so I, who didn't even have a drink that tuesday night, went up and apologized to the bar tender almost crying and ordered two rum and cokes. all of a sudden I just couldn't hold it anymore and went running out the door to get some fresh air to hold back tears. How do guys know and purposefully make you feel like the dog shit on the streets of Nantes (and trust me there's a lot of it) that's been fucking treaded through. our rum and cokes came and the fucking bartender charged me 18 euros for the two. ok maybe at a club a rum and coke would be 9 euros but not at a little cafe where the average drink is between 3 and 5 euros. But I paid without saying anything because we couldnt find rum and coke on the menu. Granted they were strong but not worth that much. Ten my friend Jason offered me a cigarette and because the idea of someone being nice was so overwhelming I burst into tears. How embarrassing. Anyway, we stuck around to finish our drinks and try to show Bryce that he didnt rule the school, but had to sufer through him flirting with this other girl, who has a long term boyfriend at home and who is supposed friend Jason has admitted several times to liking. What an asshole.
So we finally set good-bye to the bartender to be polite and scrammed never to return to that bar. We almost went home, but I told her "We're not going to let bryce ruin our night." So we found this little hole in the wall which was extremely amusing becaus the owner kept the door locked. so he had to unlock it to let us in and then locked us in the bar. Anyways it was a cute place where Lisa and I could talk over desperados and gin and tonics. We finally left, feeling happier, to a dance club called tower bar.
Sorry this is a lot more to type then I thought Im going to have to continue this one later...