Mar 22, 2005 20:48
I'm beginning to notice me only updating after weekends.
Just goes to show how lame my Monday - Friday grind is.
Last week - sleeping in all week was awesome. I'd like to thank AJ for taking me everyday and for the weekly dose of Cigar. Mmm mmm good.
Friday - Ring 2 sucked. Like, really sucked. Lumberg was cool though. And Carrie. The rest was really lame. Oh yeah, Naomi Watts showed her cold wet nipples again.
Me and Andrea basically laughed and talked shit about the movie the whole time. That kinda of made me very happy. She's a super lady.
Thought we were gonna leave. Didn't. Went to Barnes and Noble. Found hilarious book covers and stuff. That was awesome. AJ came and got us. Dropped off Katie. Got gas. Other fun things. Wendy's. Driving with AJ is always an adventure in itself. Good shit.
Saturday - got up kinda early to go to Tays. Chilled there until the mystery trip.
Mystery Trip was pretty mcsex. Permission slips are pointless. That lady seemed like a very not nice person, I was like, what the hell, get off us, why is everybody ridin' me today. "Bus maintenance guy?" "No, that's my husband." (stiffles laughter)
I love the youth group. Tay/Schaf/Erica/KP/Jess/Katie/Cassie now that I've met you and such and anyone I'm not mentioning right now due to lack of caring, you guys are sweet. Cruising like four hours to get to a place that wasn't as good as the trip itself (though pretty sweet, butterfish and so on, I liked it) was so worth it. Prank phone calls by Taylor (aka Mr. Applephish), "There's the door." then simply (point)"door", meeting/sharing shit with people new and old, Arby's, salt, crawling through a small square (that was ephing hilarious), shades at a truck stop, sweating balls all the way home - the bus is hot, passing notes being the best thing ever. God, I loved it. I came home and Heather and Emma were watching Pretty Woman in my room. Heather left a cup of milk on my floor. Bitch.
Sunday - coffee at Pah-tees. Always yummy. Visiting little twin second cousins. Ok, whatever. Seeing Uncle Ted is always cool, he's like my top family member. Awesome musician. Want him to jam with us, produce us, whatever all. Home. TBD was interesting. Not sure how I feel about it as a whole. I do like the Rob Bell guy and I swear there was Sigur Ros in the video. People are strange.
Monday - fuck school.
Today - sick. Whatever, watched movies. Steve Zahn is hilarious.
I'd like to leave you with three pieces of wisdom.
1. When your weenie's wagglin', don't brush your teeth. (Gary A. Kreemer)
2. Incest; it'll mess up your family, but you'll get a whole lot of brothers named Daryl. (Alex J. Hague)
3. Kids, I want you to remember something; I like men. (Michael P. Nelms)
congratulations, cuz we've made it...