WTF Is up w/ LJ?

Oct 01, 2005 00:03

Is it just more or can no one go into the rich text format? Anyways, Since Im bored Im gonna suggest some movies:
• LORDS OF DOGTOWN AHHHHHH!! Just watched this tuesday and god I loved it. You have no Idea how perfect this movie was for me, The Music=Dies...Emile Hirsch Shirtless - :P John Robinson I ADORE, and Heath Ledger is hilarious. Oh America Ferrara had quite a scene, *squee* I love her! I can not express how much I loved this movie.
• ROBOTS So Funny! Completely adorable, and I loved Aunt Fanny!

• CRASH - I will probably never watch this film again *because its one of those- imo* but definetly see this one once! It was AMAZING, so true and thats what made it so sad.

I have also made tons of layout recently and my freaking site is down I dont know whats up.
»Clea-DuVall .NET
»Clay Aiken Fan .COM
» Jim Morrison //Fanlist
»SMG online
»Rachel McAdams Fan. COM
»Funky Punks // Natalie

sites, movies, recently watched movies

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