So - I figure I should write some sort of re-cap of things that have happened recently (within the past month or so).
-I have finally started making very slow progress with sending things out to people. I still have tons of stuff left to do but it is slowly starting to process in my pea-sized brain that I can take things one step at a time. The more I learn that - the faster I'll actually manage to get things out to people. I've sent out a small handful of letters so far and in the mean time, whenever I have a bit of extra time I can start to piece together the rest of the boxes I have been setting up for people. I think setting up a goal of something like "one package per paycheck" will also help with pacing myself because I don't have the money to send all of these things out at once - as much as I would like to.
-Along with Tyber and a few offline friends we have slowly pieced together a small group of misfit pagans over the past month or so. This has done a lot of good (and a little bad). Since we've been involving ourselves much more heavily in the spiritual side of our lives - as anyone with experience in the metaphysical knows...the more you make your presence known - the more things/people generally tend to notice and pick up on you. I've started having nightmares/weird dreams and paranoia issues that are almost as bad as when I was living with my parents - for the most part now we've managed to get this under control. On the positive end - we've found a small handful of shops in our area (one within biking distance of the house with a meditation garden). I'll probably be making a longer entry about all of this/belief stuff in general later.
-As a relative note to above - Annie (of LeRouge) was making it very clear to Tyber that something that had shown up in our house was making her really uncomfortable. Tyber mentioned it to me and then brushed it off because Annie at times can come off as paranoid. Thing tagged along to my parents house. The second night we were there Tyber/Emmett suffered from sleep paralysis followed by/coupled with an attack by the thing (I am choosing not to describe said thing so as to prevent any further energy being pushed in it's direction). This had a "trickle down" effect to Connor (who was taking care of our house) and Jasha as well (Connor's mate/dog who was at his own home) all within the same span of time. Needless to say - there was a ton of clearing happening the next few days. I may go into more detail later but it will probably be a protected post or a private message to anyone actually interested in hearing about it. (Moral of story - have more faith in Annie - she's a survivor for a reason)
-I know I've mentioned it five billion places by now but my old laptop is pretty much going to be stationed in my bedroom (and will stay there) because the screen is just about totally fucked and I'm afraid if I move it around much more that it will break completely. Laptop situation has been solved though (I have acquired a new and functional one). I'll probably keep up any contact info that I've posted on LJ/FA for anyone that might happen to need it.
-As mentioned in my last entry...we've found a ton of free shit over the past month or two. Here's a list:
- brand new / customized bike (found by Tyber)
- kerosene heater (pictures on my dirtymonkeyboy acct.)
- lots o books
- blankets
- pillow
- shelf
- 2 file cabinets
- customizable cube storage shelves
- random electronics
- glass jars
- clothes (shirts, jackets, shoes)
- dreamcatcher
- one of these : (which Erin claimed in .00000001 seconds)
- candlesticks
- other stuff I can't remember right now.
I think at some point in the near future I may start posting lists of things that I'm either willing to trade or just give to people if shipping costs don't kill me...Especially if we keep accumulating awesome things on a weekly basis because I am all about sharing the wealth. :3
-Speaking of awesome finds...We went back a second time to collect more bones. We've bleached all the bones that we found - dried them - and are storing them in a box for now. A few of them need a longer soak so we'll be doing that within the next few days. Pictures should be coming soon. One of the most amazing things that we had spotted was a buck (he was probably at least 8 points though he was missing half his rack) that had in all likelihood been struck by a train and tumbled off the tracks. He was completely tangled in vines (had probably thrashed around quite a bit) and has only partially decomposed. We weren't able to get him because he was too far down the slope (which was filled with icy) but I managed to snap a few pictures. We did manage to grab a small handful of skulls and tons of other bones and I definitely plan on sharing a handful of them. :3 As a similar note - Tyber found an undamaged recently dead opossum in the railroad ditch beside our house I am eagerly awaiting those bones too. :D Our altar spaces at home have practically doubled over the past month or so.
-Slowly working on a commission auction that someone won months ago. I'm really hoping to get it out of the way within the next week or so because I don't want to focus on much of anything else until I do. :| I'm considering opening up for Iron Artist once I'm finished with that so that I can start saving for the possibility of our going to AC this year.
-I work a 3-8 shift today and won't know what my shift for tomorrow is until I go in. I'm guessing it will most likely be a 6:45 - 1 shift. Expect me to pop up online in the later afternoon. :)