Every day time the past week and a half or so that I've made plans to get things done online - something has come up (Or I'll sit down to do something and end up trying to multitask - which usually gets me nowhere). At least I'm starting to make lists so I don't forget things over and over again.
Plumber should be coming within the next week or two to fix the pipes for the laundry machine. It's a little frustrating but fine. It also looks like the dryer may be having issues (overheating almost immediately after being turned on) but the warranty should cover it being fixed. Until then, we've had a few friends who have been nice enough to offer us the use of their own laundry systems. Either way, the sooner the problem is fixed, the sooner I will feel like less of an inconvenience.
It had been sunny almost all day yesterday so I decided to bring two of my sketchbooks along to go see the fireworks (since we'd be arriving a few hours early and I wanted to work a little more on commissions). There had been a thunderstorm warning earlier that morning but with the weather being the way it was (and no indication of a postponement) I thought it would be safe to bring my things along. We walked about 1 1/2 miles to the park - sat down - and after about two hours the sky had pretty much gone from sunny to dark and foreboding clouds of death.
I freaked out a bit but didn't want to further destroy anything in my bag by opening it up (in addition to my books, I also brought along Tyber's ipod and my headphones in case my social anxiety kicked in). We were in the torrential downpour of rain for almost an hour. By the time we got back to our car - where I immediately took everything out of my bag - the rain had pretty much stopped. Ipod and headphones were totally safe. The covers to my sketchbooks felt soggy and wet so I set them to the side and held off on checking them until this morning to postpone possible freaking out.
Aside from some minor water spots on a few pages - NOTHING - was ruined. I didn't even see any bleeding ink.
http://buyarmybags.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/178.jpg - this is essentially the same as my bag - it is not waterproof - but it still managed to do an amazing job of saving my shit)
I'm about to get ready to head out for work but as far as eating is concerned today -->
-I had a waffle and small cup of iced tea for breakfast
-I had mac+cheese and a small juice box for lunch.
I've got a handful to talk about regarding the others/alters but I don't have any time right now so LATER.