Jun 12, 2006 09:48
SO hardlyanyone uses livejournal anymore guys :(
if you can't beat em, ...join em?
I'm getting a myspace and facebook- hopefully with the same username-
it doesn't mean i won't use this one as much though!!!!
just saying- I'm a follower, not a leader :p.
um prom was pretty much awesome, except for the fact that i do;nt know what to do with myself now.
you build up all this excitement, and all of your actions before prom take so much time and planning- then it's all over in one night- i have little to look forward to after that's over, lol.
but julia's house was neat- and I was SO HOT in my prom dress ;)
I loved everyminute that I got to see and spend time with my friends having a good time. it was a nice way to get into our senior skins.
RGH-boy i'm going to miss that class. i'mma saying it again.
I hope you guys know how much i'm going to miss you ^^
AAH I forgot to tell you about the cappies gala!
um we rocked the house.
it was WONDERFUL- except for the fact that half the people i voted for didn't win- but otherwise it was so neat to make new friends and see all my old favorite actor kids. Like Byron Grant! he was so great, he was nominated for best cameo in a show i saw a while ago- i didn't learn that until like halfway through the conversation. awww i want to see him again next year! :)
um Stonebridge's Suessical won!!! I met/know (sort-of) the lead, Mace (the cat-in-the-hat).
he's a pretty wIcKeD awesome actor. He won against Adam (kinda sucked, oh well) for lead actor in a musical. Watching him just COMPLETELY light up and take everyone in the audience to his face makes me SO READY to ditch soccer and start acting next year. I wanna WIN- I wanna win and i want to perform on that stage again- had SUCH A HIGH ON LIFE last night- I'm going to be the BEST I"VE EVER BEEN. I hope everyone got to see me last night ;)
I got to perform chelsea's new musical "Edit:Undo" last night too.
for those of you who don't know it, ten HIGH SCHOOL kids from the national capital area wrote a musical in LESS than a year- and it's being performed at Woodson this summer for a bit. I got to be a school board member singing a gospel-like tune about that terrible effects of technonolgy corrpution on teenagers.
IT WAS WONDERFUL, and I'm going to go see it when it's done, b/c i can't perform in it, i'll be gone too much :/
well, i'll be gone learning about musical theatre, so.....i guess that makes it okay.
oh! i'm going to be gone for FOUR WEEKS this summer- the last week of june and the next three of july- so don't be all like
WHERE'S CLAIRE? there are no updates!!
I'm outta town, okays?
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm one giant *hug* to EVERYone.
Much <3,
Claire H.