Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. I might own a anime one day but i wont hold my breath.
Title: Changing Tides
Rating: PG13+ **shrugs**
Warnings: No spoilers really aiming for after the events of Naruto
Summary: Several months have passed since Iruka left on his mission to Water. He is presumed dead and any hope of his return has been abandoned. Now a
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WAAAAAAAAHH!! I THOUGHT YOU'VE FORGOTTEN TO UPDATE THIS STORY!! (you know... because of life and stuff) I miss everything about this fanfic.. but I've never forgotten it... How could I.. this is one of my most faved fanfic.. I always reread this...
Anyway, good update! told us a lot about the relations between Aikido and his uncle... (it feels like I'm talking about a stranger when I call Iruka 'Aikido'... ) Kido is everything Kato wasn't in many ways.. It makes me smile knowing some people could be somewhat different from people who practically raised them.. (unlike Kido, I'm not one of those people)
Oh god! We have to wait more!! DX the anticipation of waiting.. it makes me shiver!! (or is it because it's cold..)
Now.. let me die in peace because I need to write the chapter 2 of my fic... dammit.. I swear my brain is having 'reverse evolution'.. I'm turning stupider...
when will you think you'll post chapter 5 part 1? I'm curious... ^^; Really.. I am... *shifty eyes*
YAY!! will waiting for update!! (Kakashi!! find Aikido soon!! >3< )
See you Remind me why i write it's to make people like you happy. That and because i wanted a stronger Iruka out there then most of the stories /sigh
Ally, ready to be a lab rat!
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