Nov 10, 2006 01:19
My journal looks so depressing. Its just that when im happy i feel no need to sit in front of this screen.
I made so much progress the past month. I paid off over $3,000 worth of bills and got my license back. It was easy with my fri night job, making 3-500 hundred every friday night. Then the owner/manager got fucked up on alcohol/drugs, treated me like shit, called me a cunt, and almost swung at me because hes a douchebag who fucked up his bar opportunity by giving away too much shit, and screwing over his employees and beer distributors. So i said fuck you and quit.
Im now screwed financially, but wouldnt take back my actions because i wont work for a douchebag.
So here i am, finally was getting ahead, got all my cc's paid to under their limits, paid off all court fees, and now my parents fuck me with "oh, we need 2,000 from you for this and that before you can get your car back. this month.
i simply cant win.
i want my life back.
oh, and i was cancelled on twice today.
glad im worth peoples time.