In case you are confused about this, this is my makeshift public service annoucement that I, Tom Buckley am in Bunnell High School's production of "Godspell". This musical is based on the gospel of St. Mark and tells the teachings of Jesus. The show times are as follow:
December 9, 2004: 7.30pm
December 10 AND 11, 2004: 8.00pm
December 12, 2004: 2.30pm
Ticket prices are five dollars ($5.00) for students and senior citizens and seven fifty ($7.50) for adults.
So, come and see me at the piano and the rest of the S.T.A.G.E. cast in "Godspell"
Quote for the weekend: "Sing us a song you're the piano man, sing us a song tonight. "Cause we're all in the mood for a melody and you've got us feeling alright" ~Billy Joel~
That song I truly believe was written for people like me.