Dec 31, 2006 12:56
You know, it's never too late to learn new things. This wasn't meant to be an eye-opening trip. My personal goal was to get some R&R and I certainly did. I went to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, and Cabo San Lucas and had a blast. It was truly alot of fun. I got some sun, had more crappy Coronas than I expected, and way too many nachos.
I also gambled and ended up again a few benjamins. It was quite fun fo a few reasons. Number one, I made most of my money in games that I had minimal input. In the games I had input, I failed miserably. I met two interesting guys on the ship from the gambling tables. One person reminded me of Brian the dog from Family Guy. His name was actually Brian. He was chill, but played craps so risky that I'd be shocked if he was actually up. I also met this guy Tony who was very chill. He's native american and taught me how to throw/hold dice a certain way to limit getting 7s. It was a neat trick. His sister is one of the major writers for Grey's Anatomy, and was one of the lead writers for Charmed. I'll have to IMDB that info to find out who she is. He's also married to someone in one of the cartoon voice acting agencies. Anyway, he was alot of fun and I personally watched him make about 2000 dollars of his reported 4000 dollar profit.
Socially, this cruise was a disaster. I didn't put any effort in, and I'm glad I didn't. I wasn't dissapointed in what happened which was also a first. Did it leave me empty inside? Yeah it did, but that was meant to be I guess. I had to have been the only person from NJ on this trip in the age range of 20-25. Everyone else was from San Bernadino, San Pueblos, San Fuckadillo, whatever in California and I had no idea what they hell they were talking about. They also were dumbasses and smoked way too much of both kinds. I'm definitely on a different path than them and I've not taken their actions personally, also a first.
I suppose that my path is a very different one, and that in the end, I will not really be able to relate to most people, and vice versa. I felt rather dull when I talked to people my age on this trip, mainly because I didn't feel that I had anything interesting to say. Buy neither did they. I probably will be making double what they are in June and yet I'm the quiet one. That's the beauty of keeping your mouth shut. But it doesn't necessarily make you alot of friends but it definitely slows life down in a way that you can actually listen to the realitys that pound your eardrums.