Happy Pete

Nov 26, 2006 21:51

Wow...it has been a long time since I even touched this thing. It felt kinda good actually, to not be tied to this every other day or so. Plus, nothing out of the ordinary has gone on since September. I still love Jamie a LOT, I'm still at school, still freaking out about what will happen after graduation. The only difference is that I'm getting closer to graduation than I was during my previous freak-out sessions.

Yesterday Jamie and I saw "Happy Feet," the next in a line of successful penguin movies. I have to say that I honestly loved it, although I think it was a LITTLE deep for a kids movie. It contains themes such as alien abduction, conspiracy, rejection of God, evil corporations, etc. While it is true that we're pretty much single-handedly killing off every species on the planet, including our own, I'm not sure an otherwise really good movie aimed at kids is the appropriate place to inform people of this. Other than that, I really loved it and any fellow penguin-lovers (or any possible walrus fans?) should see it.

When my next update will be? I have no idea, so enjoy this one. Maybe one of my New Years resolutions will be to update this thing with at least SOME regularity. ... Or maybe not.
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