Work update & misc

Apr 25, 2007 08:56

Update on work

Back in March, after I had been skipped over for the Trainee position at work I decided to put in a opportunity request for an Underwriting (U/W) position. I hadn't heard anything for awhile, and since one of the HR people changed departments and there were alot of positions being available, I figured I'd wait a little while before contacting HR. Well, it's been about 3 weeks since I **hand delivered** my request to the HR department's inbox. I passed by one of the managers of HR and asked about the delay. With his advice- to double check with the HR manager covering that department- I emailed that person. They had no record of receiving it!!! ~irked~ Fortunately for me, the U/W Manager over the positions(3) available had been extremely busy and unable to review for the last position. Also, I had a copy of my request- I keep copies of almost everything of work. So, I just made another copy of my request. The HR manager stamped both copies saying that HR received it. And with the HR manager's word that he'd get my request and resume over to the U/W manager for review. ~fingers crossed~

Also, today I took my INS22 Seg B test and PASSED!!! This one I hadn't had much time to study, so in about 2 weeks I'll find out how much those classes and reviews have actually helped.

On another note... I have started another journal for the purpose of having my writings critiqued. I had one before, but it wasn't what I needed it to be so it was deleted. I have plans of my musings to be published. I am looking at having a minimum of 50 poems of my extensive writings to be at a level that I consider readable. I have over 10 years I need to add to the journal, but it will be worth the effort and time. So if you would like to be added to this journal for the purpose of helping me by critiquing please let me know by posting in foreverose-poet.

test, writing, work

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