Jan 07, 2006 09:21
so heres a fun story from this morning, about ohhhh, 20 minutes ago.
So, back before the break, being the single somewhat cute college girl that I am, met someone at my apartment complex. We'll call him Ryan because he looks like ryan from the OC. so anyways, me, ryan, and the lovely boys from kappa sig [ sign # 1 this is bad] took a trip to ybor. fun time. we had a blast together. just us wandering around prana wondering why we went because we're not exactly clubbing people, and we were tired to begin with. so the night ends, I slept over. I actualy did sleep. [it happened to be that time of the month] Of course that didnt prevent the occasional makeout session and sunggling. I spent the day with him lying in bed and being lazy. it was fun. as far as I could tell, there was a mutual attraction. Ive been known to get that one wrong, but unless my IQ has offically dropped 50 points, i was on the money with this one. now a slight back story, he has an EX girlfriend. Who doesnt. We all have exes and we are all someones ex. no big deal. as far as ryan and his roomates told me, over and done. I think she goes to uf, not sure though. moving forward. We talked a little over the break, and when we were all back, I invited him to come up to my apartment to watch mr and ms smith with me and his other roommate sam who was already over. please note in all of this its friendly, not wanna date you talk. he accepts but doesnt come. not the end of the world. everyone got back that day and we were still unpacking. [bad sign #2 if you're watching for them] so flash to thursday night. After some long standing problems, I move from my apartment to another one down the way just a bit. Ryan was home and I went by to ask him a question. I wanted to check that things were cool between us after out little foolaround thing. you can never be sure and i felt like he was avoiding me, so wanting to keep the friendship I asked. everything was fine he says and we laughed about it. so all thursday while moving I would stop over and bitch about the stairs or how I dont exactly want to be doing this, and every now and then hed help with something heavy. all moved, we go to last night. Sahara had spent enough time with me to make me happy and was ready to migrate back to her town and see her hunky. No biggie, buddy ryan was home. while watching sex and the city and text him something like ' sahara is leaving me, if your not going out tonight, I have nothing to do!" so we talked back and forth and he went running and said he would call me later. he did. around 1120 we went to the hottub. we talked about random shit: our countried politics, russian communism or what it was, where to park, him and his family, me happiness about where my classes are, ect. just random shit in the hottub for about an hour. we walked back up to our apartments at about 1230. all night I wanted to ask him something and just could not remember for the life of me. well, I got up at 8 and it dawned on me! yay. being nice, I knew he was sleeping, so I waited until about 9. Hes the ultimate MAC guy and knows about everything. Being new to MAC, I wanted to know if I could go out and buy any printer, or if I needed something mac specific. I hate to sound retarded, but Ryan knows me, so its ok if I sound retarded to him! here is my exact text message "I kno ur sleeping but im confused about my mac and think u may be able to help. could u txt me when ur up??" now I didnt say I have to see you right now, come over and look at this, or anything that would lead to a thought other than I am confused about my mac. well, hes not a morning person, but someone called me back right away. I saw the name on the called ID and cheerfully said "you're up early!" then voice said This is ryans girlfriend. I dont appreciate you texting him at 9 in the morning. so now am I not only confused, Im MORTIFIED. I think I stuttered out bbb bbut I just had a question about my printer and all I got from her was I dont care hes sleeping
I guess somewhere between that night in ybor and last night at 1230 in the hottub he sorta forgot to mention that whole girlfriend thing.
good morning megan.