Every so often, despite how hard we try to justify or rationalize human existence and the true nature of this beast, humanity, you have to stop and seriously ask yourself, "what the fuck kind of world IS this?!" A world where you can grow to hate your own grandmother but maintain unconditional and passionate love for another human being you haven't seen in nearly a decade. This is an existence where your family may rob you or someone may destroy a beautiful life while you do your best to maintain your own. How can you mourn for what has never been? I couldn't tell you... but if we could trade places I'd sure as fuck let you feel it. But only a sample, you can't keep it; this bane is mine and it makes me who I am.
So often I pass judgement on those I meet. It's easy to scold people for their mistakes and ignore their force of circumstance, yet I dismiss my own fallacies. For once I can overlook the shortcomings of someone knowing I would never grant someone else that "luxury". But it will not last. My mind obsesses for it is my nature to be scornful. It will wear on me. They too will fall victim to my tormenters. For this is my bane.
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