Mar 06, 2006 07:46
I hate that ppl say that if you dont believe in god you believe in Satan which isnt true...i dont believe in Satan...and i know this is going to offend...but i believe they are both figmants of our imagination...ok i said it, now back to my story...this morning i saw a buliten if you didnt post this you believed in Satan which istn true there are ppl who are jewish and they dont believe in jesus being the son of the father are they Satan believers...and then there are pagans (which are defiently not Satan folowers even though popular culture makes they look like that) who dont believe in god but believe in Nature Gods like Romantics in the 19th centry...and then their are ppl like me who are Atheist...going toward Paganism....who believe that their is no can they believe that their is Satan when they dont even believe in any gods! this isnt a rant but this is a thought of what we say so i wont repost that bulliten but yet i want ppl to relize that you cant put that when their are other ppl out there maybe not the majority but their still are some ppl out there...thank you for reading...even though not many ppl will read ( i know)