Dec 12, 2008 00:29
I have some of the most random thoughts...
For instance... I had a headache, so I lay down. Switched off the light, just tried to relax...
Then I started to think about Momo and Kamio.
In case people don't know, I am a HUGE shipper of MomoKam~! I adore them, I RP them, I love them to bits!
So I was laying there and pondering, and despairing at how little there is of MomoKam. No fics, no art, no LJ community! Then my mind went to what I could do about it... *laughs* It all hinges on me winning the lottery, or getting a couple thousand to spend however I like! I'd make my comm... and then I'd commission every amazing fic writer and PoT artist to draw me MomoKam stuffs! And I'd keep doing it and drum up appreciation and people would see how awesome they are and they would join my army of MomoKam shippers and the writers and artists would also see the light and start writing stories and doing drawings on their own because they'd fallen for them too!
And thus... my religion begins... *grin* Simple, ne?
the momokam religion,