I am... completely stupid. I don't know why I do these things, but my little icon community? I've decided to delete it and move back to
wonderland__. That journal was, is, my baby! And I'm neglecting it so badly, I'm a bit shamed... So I've started transferring all my stuff over there, back-dating the entries, tagging everything... I spent ALL DAY yesterday tagging all my posts. And my gods it was a lot of posts. But at least there's some order to it.
Over the next week I'm gonna change the user info and such. I was gonna try and organise the memories, but that's a pain in the arse. Might still do it though, if I get bored enough!
Anyhoo... that was a bit of random. Here's some more!
Foxxie: Speaking of Kamio... have you heard that duet single thing yet? With him and Tachibana?
Mayoki: I made the mistake of ordering my copy with something that's taking forever to be dispatched, so I could get free postage. >>;; I haven't checked to see if anyone's uploaded it, have you heard it?
Foxxie: Mmhmm, someone uploaded it on one of the PoT comms. *laughs* I downloaded all three songs but the karaoke version!
Foxxie: I'm... not keen on the duet (it's a little... fluffy sounding), or Tachibana's song, But Kamio's solo is rather good!
Mayoki: *Has no willpower and has gone to look for it. ^^;;* Fluffy? Heh, I can just imagine Kamio spazzing so much at the opportunity to be able to sing with his captain he forgets to sing or something. ^^;;
http://makaioh.livejournal.com/182380.htmlFoxxie: *laughs* It sorta sounds like that... *ded*
Mayoki: Thank you! *Goes to download, and boots Shinhwa out of playlist~* Kamio's a bit weird when it comes to Tachibana. ^^;;
Foxxie: I've noticed! But... I now firmly believe he needs his own album!!!
Mayoki: HE DOES! ;__; And he could have omo on one of his tracks, they seem to like dragging other seiyuu in! Ack, his voice and Tachibana's...don't mix well. At all. ^^;;
Foxxie: No, they really don't, do they? But he does need his own album and lots more songs because this is the fifth time I've listened to Ace of Aces and I adore it!
Mayoki: Just started listening to Ace of Aces, and realised how high his voice was in the duet. ^^;;He really has a nice voice, he NEEDS an album! He's popular enough...well, to me. >>;;
Foxxie: It was... very high. Way too excited! Or else just trying to combat Tachibana's vocals? I dunno... But I like this style, seems more natural for him. Maybe one day he'll get an album?
Mayoki: Probably excited. ^^;; But it was interesting, I could hear him much more over Tachibana when they sang together. Or maybe I'm just biased? I think they pick who gets an album out of their ass. Atobe's had two, and flipping Kawamura got one, for crying out loud!
Foxxie: No, I agree, I could hear him more over Tachibana... Then again, I was blocking him out for the most part. *laughs* And they must! I bet they have a hat they pick names out of!
Mayoki: Poor unloved Tachibana. ^^;; But I've listened to his song, and it pales in comparison to Kamio's solo! They must, and it's not fair! I have no idea how they really pick them, but I think it's about time a rival character got one, and Kamio can obviously sing! Ugh, I'd so write to someone and demand it if I knew who. ^^;;
Foxxie: I'm sorry! He's just... not my type of character! I'm not keen on any of the team captains, truth be told! And I like the happy ones! But you ever find out who to write too, send me the address and I'll write too~
Chatting about Momo and Kamio lead to us...
Foxxie: ... I foresee the possibility for Ultra!Fluff!
Mayoki: I can see an extremely fluffy scenario to out-fluff every fluffy moment in the history of the universe! They...could probably do it!
Foxxie: I think it's possible! I think, with the painkillers, perhaps coffee on the side, maybe a cheesy romantic movie on the TV that neither of them could switch off because they were comfy in bed so were FORCED to watch... Maybe the moonlight filtering in through the window... Maybe it all conspires to create the Ultimate Fluff Scenario EVER!!
Mayoki: That...would be so perfect and adorable! The fluff may destroy the universe, but I think we should take the risk! *nodnod*
Foxxie: Yes. Yes I think the risk will be worth it. I think, this much Fluff... It might, JUST MIGHT... be able to bring peace to the world, if it doesn't destroy it, of course!
Mayoki: So technically, we could be doing a lot of good for mankind, by making them all fluffyand melt-worthy! Then we HAVE to give it a shot! ^__^
Foxxie: I think, for the continuation of mankind and the peace of the world, it HAS to be done! We'll be doing a service! We'll be worshipped!
Okay... so enough of that!
Really, I should be saying hello and welcome to my new friends! So read the bold text again, rejoice! *laughs*
Hmmmm... maybe I should say a little about me? So you know what you've all gotten yourself in to!
Okay, so my name is Foxxie! I'm from England, I'm 25. I'm weird, I'm a yaoi fangirl! I talk about nonsense and rant a lot, but I'm usually a fun person! Most of the time!
I HATE using smilies and things like that, though I seem to have gotten into the habbit of using caps... I blame this on two people in particular. They know who they are!
I am a huge HUGE Momo/Kamio fangirl, you'll hear me talk about that a lot. I RP them, you see? Well, I RP Momoshiro (I also RP Echizen!), but still... They're my obsession! That and tea. I'll talk about tea a lot, and equate it to god, or elevate it to a god-like status. Which it quite rightly deserves!!
I'm not actually that big on the Myu's, I'm TRYING to watch them, but all the singing and dancing gets on my nerves, which... takes up at least 85% of the myu's... So... I sorta fail!
I love my cats! I love tea, I love anime and boys who kiss other boys, I love the rain and thunderstorms, I love to Roleplay, I love to watch anime and scary movies, I love music and will download obsessively if I find something I like. I love making icons, though I'm not as good at that as I wish I was, I enjoy pretending I'm a witty person, though chances are I fail at that! Lets see... what else... hm...
Can't think of anything! If you have a question, feel free to ask! I'm shameless, I'll answer anything, or if I don't know the answer, make something up!
Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you all!!
I APPARENTLY FORGOT TO MENTION MY EPIC TYPOS!! Yes, I make typos. And yes, they are VERY inappropriate! My typo gremlin is a perv! So be warned! I make lots and lots of typos, and some... Some go down in history as TRULY EPICLY FAIL!!