Jun 02, 2008 13:54
Gah... woke up a half hour ago and the right side of my face is all bruised and swollen! I look like someone's punched me! I dunno if I'm more embarrassed or amused... I hate the idea of anyone looking at me and thinking I've been in a fight, but I'm amused that if people DID think that, how wrong they'd be! ... if that makes sense? My cheek's kinda tender... I wonder what happened?
Anyway, I've been stuck in bed since (I think) 3am last night, I got up at 1pm... before last night I was in bed most of the day, so I think collectively I've slept probably 15 hours, give or take. This is very VERY wrong and I have no idea why I was so tired. It was so bad last night I hardly remember talking to people, even though I know I did. Can't remember what was said, hell, can't remember much of anything.
I am sad though. Wicked won't be online... stupid net went down again. But what I REALLY hate is the fact I can't send her text's back! The program that normally allows me to text people in the states won't let me text her, and I can't do it via email (as she sends the text to my email addy). And since the silly sod's taken the text option from her LJ, I have no other way to reply to her. Makes me feel like I'm being ignorant, and I dun like that. *fails*
Oh and... Manda daaaaahling? I think we REALLY need to sort out the Date Log. It's not going where we wanted it to, so I'm thinking we need to let it go. Sometimes logs don't work, and that's fine! They end up floating in limbo and that's fine too! We'll know what to do (and not do) next time, so do NOT apologise for ANYTHING, okay? Not your fault AT ALL!! Understood? Good! NOW... we need to sort out what happened. Where did Inui plan on having everyone go? All I know is they were going to Shibuya and that's about it! And I'm assuming that Inui and Kaidoh will be a little... twitchy around each other? Unless you were going to have them sort out their differences before meeting up with Momo and Kamio?
Hazue and Dan would have shown up at some point, perhaps if/when Inui tried to make a move on Kaidoh? *grin* I wanna say half way through the date, so at least they get SOMETHING out of it. But what happens after that, I'm not sure on... I dunno if Hazue would bring Momo into it and admit to talking to him, or if Momo would try and jump to everyone's defence and try and mediate (and you mentioned that Inui would be pissed at Momo if he found out he'd known about Hazue following them, does that still stand?). *laughs* I dunno, in my head I see a LOT of blushing faces and angry words. But it's really up to you! I'm just throwing ideas around, I would have posted all this yesterday but my brain just was NOT working!
And actually, speaking of logs, do you wanna log Momo and Inui later? If you're online? *grin* He wants to give Inui the collar, but if you wanted to have Inui talk to him about the Hazue thing, that'd be fun too! But mostly... the COLLAR! Because collars are love and such things!
... and yanno what? I have all manner of weird dreams last night. All PoT related! Almost every character was involved in a dream in one way or another, but damned if I can remember what any of the dreams were about! But that just makes me believe I am taking this PoT thing waaaaay too seriously! *laughs*
And off I go now... I need to start the Daily post. Again, should have started that yesterday but I couldn't think worth shit. So now I do it!
silly wicked,
i are weird,
hi there!,
giving momo a hard time,
pot_lj chat,
i like grapes,
waking up,
sleeping the day away is weird,
does anyone read these?,
i love these tags too much,
ideas and whatnot,
to: manda,
rpg chat